The hand is from a RL friend of mine. I just saw it and posted it but he is probably sleeping right now so i didnt had the chance to talk about it and learn what he thought about the guy.
I quess that a raise on the river is not a bad play. I am probably raising too but you cant really decide without knowing the guy.
fira   United States. Nov 27 2005 02:06. Posts 6345
On November 27 2005 00:41 tontonba wrote:
could u have raised again on the river, or did u think he may have the straight flush?
yeah, the rivercall was nice
since on the turn, it is obvious that they are scared of the fullhouse since they only called instead of 4bet, but now on the river they raise. seems very suspicious: either a boat or the straight flush.
Nazgul   Netherlands. Nov 27 2005 02:10. Posts 7080
Yes but BrokenATM can call on the turn with JJ or 88 and position to get an extra bet on the river if doulas bluffs because he missed. Of course in this case Broken loses an extra bet if doulas has a high d.
There is also the chance that Broken has the Ad and makes a marginal raise because doulas is a maniac most of the times :/. Its 4-handed and high stakes so ppl can fold very good hands and raise with nothing if they sense they have to.
Anyway thats why i stopped visiting poker forums.. So many variables and meaningless discussion since you never have the full picture. :/