Haha ok I get it, you posted the same hand twice. I was confused by your commentary on the other one.
To be honest, I might just raise this flop even though we have such a nasty hand (flopped straight and straight flush draw so we don't care about getting outdrawn as much). The problem is in reversed implied odds. If someone has something like an overpair, two pair, etc here.. they are going to get scared off by a A,4,5, or spade. That's too many cards to come that might kill action. Also, if someone does have spades here, we'd want them to pay for the draw.
His turn bet is so small that he's likely either weak or drawing. I'd raise this much harder to like $14. It's more proportional to the pot and makes him pay for his draw. Also if he calls, you can get away with betting much bigger on the river, since the pot is bigger.
With your comment here on the end, that is the exact reason I'd prefer to just raise the flop.