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Show hand : 652601

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Handnr: 652601
Submitted by : qwerty67890

PokerStars Game #25910675335: Holdem No Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2009/03/13 8:57:37 ET
Table Polyxo II 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: byrnesam ($16.75 in chips)
Seat 5: Babydaun ($21.30 in chips)
byrnesam: posts small blind $0.05
Babydaun: posts big blind $0.10

Dealt to byrnesam AcKc
byrnesam: raises $0.40 to $0.50
Babydaun: calls $0.40

Flop (Pot : $1.00)

Babydaun: checks
byrnesam: bets $0.70
Babydaun: raises $1.20 to $1.90
byrnesam: raises $4.10 to $6
Babydaun: calls $4.10

Turn (Pot : $13.00)

Babydaun: checks
byrnesam: bets $10.25 and is all-in
Babydaun: folds
Uncalled bet ($10.25) returned to byrnesam
byrnesam collected $12.40 from pot

Total pot $13 | Rake $0.60
Board  3dKs4hAd
Seat 1: byrnesam (button) (small blind) collected ($12.40)
Seat 5: Babydaun (big blind) folded on the Turn

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qwerty67890   New Zealand. Mar 13 2009 09:00. Posts 14026

whats best thng to do on the turn?

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PoorUser    United States. Mar 13 2009 09:04. Posts 7471

shoves good, pot is already so big and there are some bad rivers for you

plus its hu and you are repping 2p+ when you shove the turn so he might look you up lightish

plus he has a2 and a5 rarely

plus if you check back on the turn its unlikely he bluffs the river unless he has 56 because he'll have a hand he wants to showdown

Gambler Emeritus 


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