whaackum   United States. Jan 20 2006 17:27. Posts 1586
so should this should this be a fold after his reraise on the flop
The W.
whaackum   United States. Jan 20 2006 17:30. Posts 1586
i'm really interested in what anyone has to say, especially anyhting that has to do with this being a +/- ev move
The W.
Fraser   Canada. Jan 20 2006 17:42. Posts 4605
Its hard to lay down a set at 25NL...
Its weird he comes out totally overbetting the pot too. Most players slowplay those hands at this level.
In this case I think you need to raise him bigger, cause you really need information in this hand, and you dont get enough from the size of ur first raise (imo). Raise him to like 5.25, if he comes over the top all-in then I think you should at least consider laying down if you have any respect for the player. Could just be a noob on 2 pair too so u gotta make a tough decision.
Last edit: 20/01/2006 17:44
whaackum   United States. Jan 20 2006 17:48. Posts 1586
like you said, i didn't think the person first to bet would everbet the pot that much if he flopped a straight, at that time i thought he might be trying ot force out any drawing hands.