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Show hand : 676655

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Handnr: 676655
Submitted by : unenergized

i'm taking this one really bad . I just got back from Borgata and lost $1k this trip. This is my first time posting on this blog. Up until now i've been using blogspot and my site has been nycpokergrind

So anyways, I'm really mad that I went broke again. I needed this money to help pay back my previous debt from friends that have put me in the game and have been waiting for their money. Some need it more than others and I had the money, it just pisses me off so much that now i'm back to 0. Basically this has been my last couple weeks . About 3 weeks ago or something I went to Borgata with my last $220. I borrowed $100 more on the way there and had $320. I played 1-2 and was down to my last $120 and decided to enter in the 7pm tourny. 91 players we got down to 7 and chopped 8 g's giving each person $1150.
So i was down to the $1k that i had left at home for my friend, he wanted all of it but i needed a roll for myself and so i gave him $600 leaving myself with $400. The next 3 sessions i played 1-2 and some 2-5 in nyc and won about $180 overall. I took the $580 and went back to AC and did another 7pm 100+20 mtt. This time there were 82 players and we got down to the last 7 and finally agreed to chop. I was down to 2 big blinds and made a comeback.
After that tourny i went back home and paid my mom $300 for the house and paid off $300 more for my credit card bill leaving myself with a roll of $1020.
The next day I went back to AC and packed my bags for a few days . My confidence had been regenerating after the terrible downswing i've been facing the last few months and finally i thought, i will turn all of this around .
So i get to Borgata 3 days ago, I did the 7pm 100+20 again but this time lost with KK to AJ all in preflop. Went straight to 2-5 after i got knocked out. I heard them call a 250+30 sng and decided to do it and left the cash game up a little. Everyone was playing so bad and we were down to 4 pretty fast. Chips got even and i suggested we chop up 500 a piece and play out for the remaining 400 and tip the dealer 100. We did that and when it got down to 2 me and the other guy chopped the 400 so total i cashed for 700. I got a room at Borgata and used my comps . My roll was at $1300.
The next morning i had a quick breakfast at bread+butter and went over to 2-5. I got in a nice rhythm going and finished up $350 after a couple hours . I was debating whether to go home or to keep playing. Something didn't feel right though and i felt like i was playing with scared money. I took a little break and then did something i've never done before. I went over to 5-10 and they were playing shorthanded . It was a must-move and i wanted to challenge myself. I sat down with 500, raises preflop were to 60-75 and i knew i had to choose my spots wisely. I dwindled down a little and then got moved to the main game. I was about even and then there was a limped pot. i had and flop came . Checked around to me and i bet out $40 into about 60ish . Sb makes it $150 and my immediate reaction was to go all-in for my remaning $350. Then i asked myself, do i really want to gamble in this spot. Even though it was an easy decision to shove i decided not to and folded and immediately regretted that.
I left a couple hands later down 150 and the went to a 100+20 sit n go. I busted out after having 4 big blinds and being card dead and went over to the Taj where i had a free room.
Now the next day today is when i lost everything. I had about $1280 this morning when i went over to Borgata. It was PACKED due to the 300+40 tourny. I should've woken up early for it but i missed it. I sat down at a 2-5 and was feeling extremely confident. It was a new game and all of a sudden the action got crazy. Every hand was a raise and multiway pots . A couple hands in i pick up in the cutoff and a player raised it up to $20. 2 callers behind me, i smooth called and we went 5 way to the flop which came A Q Q. Checked around to me, i check. Turn blank, checked around to original preflop raiser who bet $80. Folded around to me and i just smooth call, we're heads up. Turn blank he says all-in, i initially bought in for $300 total so i call and he has KQ and i double.
A couple hands later I pick up AK in the sb, limped pot i make it 40 to go and a loose asian kid calls . Flop comes like and i knew that hit him, i continuation bet for $60 and he called . Turn came and I paused for 10-15 seconds and then bet out $100 and he folded .
Next hand i pick up on the button, couple limpers and i know i have to raise big so i make it $50 to go. 3 callers and flop comes A J 6, rainbow. Checked around to me and i bet $125. UTG was an extreme maniac and shoved all-in for $460 total. I had to call and he flipped over JJ, i lose. I was down to a little less than $200 and then very next hand fucking AK again.
This time there was a raise to $30 and i just smooth called in the cutoff, we went 4-way to the flop which came A J T, 2 clubs . checked to the preflop raiser who bet out $100 i shoved for like $40 more he calls with QQ i win.
Then the action really died down. I was waiting to pick my spots and hadn't really gotten any hands so i was just chillin. In the mean time i had been studying the table and the maniac who had the JJ against my AK earlier was really going on a heater. He had climbed up to like $1700 in chips and was running over ppl, bluffing and re-bluffing and i knew I'd pick him off.
I limp UTG with J9d and there's a limped pot 5 way.
After this pot I was down to like $150 and decided to step down to 1-2.

It wasn't really the beats that got to me but I was more so disappointed in myself for not quitting for the day after the 2-5 session and instead continuing to play while somewhat steamed . I didn't realize the value of my remaining $600ish and to a poker player the money is everything. Without even one buy-in you are useless and now I'm in a very uncomfortable position where i must get myself back in the game.

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