Freelance   Canada. May 26 2009 23:27. Posts 12
Really loose and showers the pot if your in it, I should learn to fold these?
lazymej   Canada. May 28 2009 02:49. Posts 2897
Just because he's splashy doesn't mean your AK is good here...
Again, 3bet bigger preflop to at least 16c.
This is really marginal and you should wait for a better spot. I'm not sure what you're trying to do in this hand.. are you trying to get him to fold on each street? Because it's clear that he isn't going away...
Turn is such a ridiculously easy fold. You beat nothing and your showdown value sucks on this board.
Freelance   Canada. May 28 2009 13:41. Posts 12
Yeah I know I was burning money here.
Got to work on my bet size,but I get the feeling he would just had called me since he decided to live is life that way.