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Show hand : 709784

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Handnr: 709784
Submitted by : sismis

***** History for hand R5-568449-256 *****
Start hand: Wed Jun 24 21:48:59 GMT+0200 2009
Table: Roodepoort [568449] NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $0.50/$1, Real money
User: sismis1111
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 5
Seat 3: Rakunovi $101.40
Seat 6: Toretje15 $98.70
Seat 9: krgabez24 $231.20
Seat 10: --Mylene-- $102.70
Seat 1: sismis1111 $97.70
Toretje15 posts big blind $1
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to sismis1111: AcKs
krgabez24 folds
--Mylene-- raises $3.50 to $3.50
sismis1111 raises $12 to $12
Rakunovi folds
Toretje15 calls $11
--Mylene-- raises $99.20 to $102.70 [all in]
sismis1111 calls $85.70 [all in]
Toretje15 calls $86.70 [all in]

Flop (Pot : $12.00)

   4c4s s

Turn (Pot : $12.00)

   4c4s s
Main pot: $293.60 won by Toretje15 $290.60
Side pot 1: $2 won by Toretje15 $2
Seat 3: Rakunovi $100.90 , net: -$0.50
Seat 6: Toretje15 $292.60 , net: +$193.90, 8c8h FULL_HOUSE EIGHT, FOUR
Seat 9: krgabez24 $231.20
Seat 10: --Mylene-- $4 , net: -$98.70, 9hTh PAIR FOUR
Seat 1: sismis1111 $0 , net: -$97.70, AcKs TWO_PAIR KING, FOUR
***** End of hand R5-568449-256 *****

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