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Show hand : 715059

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Handnr: 715059
Submitted by : morfeusko

PAOG folds
slkdjo282828 checks

Dealing Flop4c5sAh
slkdjo282828 checks
L3Fant0me bets $0.12
slkdjo282828 folds

Winner is L3Fant0me $0.36

Winner is L3Fant0me $0.36

PAOG is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716911940)

Starting a new hand (#1716911940)
slkdjo282828 posts Small Blind $0.05
morfi11 posts Big Blind $0.10
Mbo998 chose to wait for big blind


Your cardsJh9h
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 raises to $0.40
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
PAOG folds
slkdjo282828 folds
morfi11 calls $0.30

Dealing Flop5hQs7c
morfi11 checks
przemo6000 bets $0.83
morfi11 folds

Winner is przemo6000 $1.64

Winner is przemo6000 $1.64

slkdjo282828 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716913312)

Starting a new hand (#1716913312)
morfi11 posts Small Blind $0.05
pengpeng1130 posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cards2dAd
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
PAOG folds
slkdjo282828 folds
morfi11 raises to $0.30
pengpeng1130 calls $0.20

Dealing Flop8cAc2h
morfi11 bets $0.30
pengpeng1130 raises to $1.50
morfi11 raises to $5.10
pengpeng1130 folds

Winner is morfi11 $7.02

Winner is morfi11 $7.02

morfi11 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716915549)

Starting a new hand (#1716915549)
pengpeng1130 posts Small Blind $0.05
L3Fant0me posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cards9h8d
przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 raises to $0.40
PAOG folds
slkdjo282828 folds
morfi11 folds
pengpeng1130 calls $0.35
L3Fant0me folds

Dealing FlopQh3d5c
pengpeng1130 checks
MrStitch89 bets $0.90
pengpeng1130 folds

Winner is MrStitch89 $1.76

Winner is MrStitch89 $1.76

pengpeng1130 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716917601)

Starting a new hand (#1716917601)
L3Fant0me posts Small Blind $0.05
przemo6000 posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cards2hKs
michlbt raises to $0.40
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
PAOG folds
slkdjo282828 folds
morfi11 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds

Winner is michlbt $0.55

Winner is michlbt $0.55

L3Fant0me is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716919083)

Starting a new hand (#1716919083)
przemo6000 posts Small Blind $0.05
michlbt posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cardsKcJs
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
PAOG calls $0.10
slkdjo282828 folds
morfi11 raises to $0.30
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds
PAOG calls $0.20

Dealing FlopKhAdJh
PAOG bets $0.10
morfi11 raises to $0.50
PAOG goes All-in $0.35

Dealing TurnKhAdJhJc

Dealing RiverKhAdJhJc8h

morfi11 shows Full houseKcJs

PAOG shows Two Pair7sAs

morfi11 wins with Full houseJhJsJcKhKc $1.62

morfi11 wins with Full houseJhJsJcKhKc $1.62

slkdjo282828 has left the table

przemo6000 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716922316)

Starting a new hand (#1716922316)
michlbt posts Small Blind $0.05
32bob23 posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cards6d9s
MrStitch89 folds

Player PjJoK4 has joined the table
morfi11 folds

PAOG has left the table

Player jH2rtM4 has joined the table
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds

Winner is 32bob23 $0.15

Winner is 32bob23 $0.15

michlbt is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716923234)

Starting a new hand (#1716923234)
32bob23 posts Small Blind $0.05
MrStitch89 posts Big Blind $0.10
jH2rtM4 chose to wait for big blind
PjJoK4 chose to wait for big blind


Your cards4sAh
morfi11 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt raises to $0.40
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds

Winner is michlbt $0.55

Winner is michlbt $0.55

32bob23 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716924442)

Starting a new hand (#1716924442)
MrStitch89 posts Small Blind $0.05
Mbo998 posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cardsQhTd
morfi11 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt raises to $0.40
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds

Winner is michlbt $0.55

Winner is michlbt $0.55

MrStitch89 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716926655)

Starting a new hand (#1716926655)
Mbo998 posts Small Blind $0.05
jH2rtM4 posts Big Blind $0.10

pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 raises to $0.35
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds

Winner is 32bob23 $0.50

Winner is 32bob23 $0.50

Mbo998 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716928110)

Starting a new hand (#1716928110)
jH2rtM4 posts Small Blind $0.05
PjJoK4 posts Big Blind $0.10

pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 raises to $0.40
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds

Winner is 32bob23 $0.55

Winner is 32bob23 $0.55

jH2rtM4 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716929173)

Starting a new hand (#1716929173)
PjJoK4 posts Small Blind $0.05
pengpeng1130 posts Big Blind $0.10

L3Fant0me folds
przemo6000 calls $0.10
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 raises to $0.45
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
przemo6000 raises to $1.49
Mbo998 calls $1.04

Dealing Flop3sThKs

Dealing Turn3sThKsTc

Dealing River3sThKsTc7s

przemo6000 shows Two PairAcKh

Mbo998 shows Two PairKdJc

przemo6000 wins with Two PairThTcKhKsAc $2.98

przemo6000 wins with Two PairThTcKhKsAc $2.98

PjJoK4 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716931213)

Starting a new hand (#1716931213)
pengpeng1130 posts Small Blind $0.05
L3Fant0me posts Big Blind $0.10

przemo6000 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 calls $0.05
L3Fant0me checks

Dealing Flop7c4d4s
pengpeng1130 bets $0.20
L3Fant0me folds

Winner is pengpeng1130 $0.39

Winner is pengpeng1130 $0.39

przemo6000 has left the table

pengpeng1130 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716932797)

Starting a new hand (#1716932797)
L3Fant0me posts Small Blind $0.05
michlbt posts Big Blind $0.10

32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 calls $0.10
L3Fant0me folds
michlbt checks

Dealing FlopAh4c5d
michlbt checks
pengpeng1130 bets $0.25

Player mao44 has joined the table
michlbt folds

Winner is pengpeng1130 $0.49

Winner is pengpeng1130 $0.49

L3Fant0me is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716934221)

Starting a new hand (#1716934221)
michlbt posts Small Blind $0.05
32bob23 posts Big Blind $0.10

MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
michlbt folds

Winner is 32bob23 $0.15

Winner is 32bob23 $0.15

michlbt is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716934982)

Starting a new hand (#1716934982)
32bob23 posts Small Blind $0.05
MrStitch89 posts Big Blind $0.10
mao44 posts Big Blind $0.10

Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
mao44 checks
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 checks

Dealing FlopQs5sKh
MrStitch89 checks
mao44 checks

Dealing TurnQs5sKh7s
MrStitch89 checks
mao44 checks

Dealing RiverQs5sKh7s8d
MrStitch89 checks
mao44 bets $0.20
MrStitch89 folds

Winner is mao44 $0.44

Winner is mao44 $0.44

32bob23 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716937681)

Starting a new hand (#1716937681)
MrStitch89 posts Small Blind $0.05
Mbo998 posts Big Blind $0.10

jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me raises to $0.30
mao44 raises to $1.14
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
L3Fant0me calls $0.84

Dealing FlopQd5d9s

Dealing TurnQd5d9sJc

Dealing RiverQd5d9sJc9h

mao44 shows Two Pair7c7d

L3Fant0me shows One PairKhAh

mao44 wins with Two Pair7d7c9h9sQd $2.31

mao44 wins with Two Pair7d7c9h9sQd $2.31

MrStitch89 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716940733)

Starting a new hand (#1716940733)
Mbo998 posts Small Blind $0.05
jH2rtM4 posts Big Blind $0.10

PjJoK4 folds
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
mao44 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 raises to $0.30
jH2rtM4 folds

Winner is Mbo998 $0.40

Winner is Mbo998 $0.40

Mbo998 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716943009)

Starting a new hand (#1716943009)
jH2rtM4 posts Small Blind $0.05
PjJoK4 posts Big Blind $0.10

pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me raises to $0.30
mao44 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds

Winner is L3Fant0me $0.45

Winner is L3Fant0me $0.45

jH2rtM4 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716944725)

Starting a new hand (#1716944725)
PjJoK4 posts Small Blind $0.05
morfi11 posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cardsQh6c
pengpeng1130 folds
L3Fant0me folds
mao44 calls $0.10
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 folds
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
morfi11 checks

Dealing Flop5h4d3h
morfi11 checks
mao44 checks

Dealing Turn5h4d3h6h
morfi11 checks
mao44 checks

Dealing River5h4d3h6h7c
morfi11 bets $0.20
mao44 calls $0.20

mao44 shows StraightKhJc

morfi11 shows StraightQh6c

morfi11 wins with Straight3h4d5h6h7c $0.31

morfi11 wins with Straight3h4d5h6h7c $0.31

mao44 wins with Straight3h4d5h6h7c $0.31

mao44 wins with Straight3h4d5h6h7c $0.31

Player morfi11 wins the main pot $0.31

Player morfi11 wins the main pot $0.31

Player mao44 wins the main pot $0.31

Player mao44 wins the main pot $0.31

PjJoK4 is the dealer

Starting a new hand (#1716948117)

Starting a new hand (#1716948117)
morfi11 posts Small Blind $0.05
pengpeng1130 posts Big Blind $0.10


Your cardsTs9s
L3Fant0me folds
mao44 folds
michlbt folds
32bob23 folds
MrStitch89 raises to $0.40
Mbo998 folds
jH2rtM4 folds
PjJoK4 folds
morfi11 calls $0.35
pengpeng1130 folds

Dealing Flop4d9cKd
morfi11 checks
MrStitch89 bets $0.90
morfi11 calls $0.90

Dealing Turn4d9cKd9h
morfi11 checks
MrStitch89 bets $1.35
morfi11 raises to $4
MrStitch89 calls $2.65

Dealing River4d9cKd9hKs
morfi11 checks
MrStitch89 bets $5.35
morfi11 calls $5.35

morfi11 shows Full houseTs9s

MrStitch89 shows Two PairJdQd

morfi11 wins with Full house9h9s9cKdKs $20.40

morfi11 wins with Full house9h9s9cKdKs $20.40

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