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Show hand : 733515

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Handnr: 733515
Submitted by : NeVeR

Full Tilt Poker Game #13958102797: Table Vapor (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:35:21 ET - 2009/08/11
Seat 1: uxyevrah ($20.05)
Seat 2: Milius ($12.53)
Seat 4: pkesseli ($9.35)
Seat 5: moravec481 ($11.61)
Seat 6: Memphis Boss ($6.02)
moravec481 posts the small blind of $0.05
Memphis Boss posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #4

Dealt to moravec481JdJh
uxyevrah raises to $0.30
Milius has 15 seconds left to act
Milius folds
pkesseli folds
moravec481 raises to $0.85
Memphis Boss calls $0.75
uxyevrah calls $0.55

Flop (Pot : $2.55)

moravec481 bets $1
Memphis Boss calls $1
uxyevrah has 15 seconds left to act
uxyevrah calls $1

Turn (Pot : $5.55)

moravec481 bets $2
Memphis Boss has 15 seconds left to act
ohcrocsle sits down
Memphis Boss folds
uxyevrah calls $2

River (Pot : $9.55)

ohcrocsle adds $10
moravec481 has 15 seconds left to act
moravec481 bets $3.25
uxyevrah raises to $9.30
moravec481 has 15 seconds left to act
moravec481 calls $4.51, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $1.54 returned to uxyevrah

uxyevrah shows9dTs two pair, Tens and Nines
moravec481 mucks
uxyevrah wins the pot ($23.40) with two pair, Tens and Nines
moravec481 is sitting out

Total pot $25.07 | Rake $1.67
Seat 1: uxyevrah showed9dTs and won ($23.40) with two pair, Tens and Nines
Seat 2: Milius didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: pkesseli (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: moravec481 (small blind) muckedJdJh - a pair of Jacks
Seat 6: Memphis Boss (big blind) folded on the Turn

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NeVeR   United States. Aug 20 2009 13:41. Posts 34

The guy was playing 51/30/1.5

Should I have folded?

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rockman255   Canada. Aug 20 2009 13:47. Posts 4471

you need to decide on the flop if you like your hand (and you should), and bet much more per street. the fact that you lost is irrelevant, what about when he calls 3 times with A9 and you could have made way more money?

rockman255: its not easy being superman U N0 MySteeZ: mega man. rockman255: same thing U N0 MySteeZ: no 

rockman255   Canada. Aug 20 2009 13:50. Posts 4471

you should probably lead the flop for like 2-2.50, and if the turn potsize is almost whates left in your stack, just shove the turn.

rockman255: its not easy being superman U N0 MySteeZ: mega man. rockman255: same thing U N0 MySteeZ: noLast edit: 20/08/2009 13:51


All hands submitted by NeVeR:

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