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Show hand : 735201

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Handnr: 735201
Submitted by : IhookUfish

***** History for hand T5-3531856-24 TOURNAMENT: R-412-134 *****
Start hand: Mon Aug 24 19:53:04 GMT+0300 2009
Table: Table #3 [3531856] NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 125/250, ante: 25, TC
User: t0pc4LL
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 7
Seat 2: serdar333 2415
Seat 4: half_god 2090
Seat 5: t0pc4LL 12585
Seat 7: GILLESD1 3485
Seat 9: petit30brun 5460
Seat 10: Mandilaras 5650
Seat 1: NUTS2009 1815
serdar333 posts ante 25
half_god posts ante 25
t0pc4LL posts ante 25
GILLESD1 posts ante 25
petit30brun posts ante 25
Mandilaras posts ante 25
NUTS2009 posts ante 25
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to t0pc4LL: AhAc
t0pc4LL raises 750 to 750
GILLESD1 folds
petit30brun folds
Mandilaras calls 750
NUTS2009 folds
serdar333 raises 2265 to 2390 [all in]
half_god calls 1815 [all in]
t0pc4LL raises 11810 to 12560 [all in]
Mandilaras calls 4875 [all in]

Flop (Pot : $2,765.00)

   5h6s s

Turn (Pot : $2,765.00)

   5h6s s
Main pot: 8435 won by Mandilaras 8435
Side pot 1: 975 won by Mandilaras 975
Side pot 2: 6470 won by Mandilaras 6470
Seat 2: serdar333 0 , net: -2415, JsAd PAIR FIVE
Seat 4: half_god 0 , net: -2090, As9d PAIR FIVE
Seat 5: t0pc4LL 6935 , net: -5650, AhAc TWO_PAIR ACE, FIVE
Seat 7: GILLESD1 3460 , net: -25
Seat 9: petit30brun 5435 , net: -25
Seat 10: Mandilaras 15880 , net: +10230, 6c6h FULL_HOUSE SIX, FIVE
Seat 1: NUTS2009 1790 , net: -25
***** End of hand T5-3531856-24 *****

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