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Handnr: 75411 Submitted by : hasek47
Starting game 573130457.
Greylilas is at seat 0 with $110.08.
pokerchris13 is at seat 1 with $193.83.
nosebleed is at seat 2 with $109.70.
MikeDragon is at seat 3 with $50.
albator77 is at seat 4 with $120.78.
MMK is at seat 5 with $74.
The dealer is seat 2.
albator77 posts a blind of $.50.
MMK posts a blind of $1.
(nosebleed is dealt 10h 10d.)
Greylilas folds.
pokerchris13 calls for $1.
nosebleed raises $3.50.
albator77 calls for $4.
MMK folds.
pokerchris13 calls for $3.50.
The flop comes
10s As.
albator77 checks.
pokerchris13 bets $14.50.
nosebleed raises $20.50.
albator77 folds.
pokerchris13 calls for $20.50.
The turn comes 9d.
pokerchris13 checks.
nosebleed bets $55.
pokerchris13 calls for $55.
The river comes 7s.
pokerchris13 goes all-in for $99.33.
nosebleed goes all-in for $15.20.
$84.13 is pushed back to pokerchris13.
pokerchris13 shows Kc.
Flush, Ace high - 10s  
nosebleed shows 10h 10d.
Three Tens - 10s 10h 10d 
pokerchris13 wins pot ($221.90).
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