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Handnr: 75636 Submitted by : TenBagger
Hand #35084893-12388 at Los Angeles (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 19/Sep/06 00:00:47
TenBagger is at seat 0 with $44.
Jimmy Carter is at seat 1 with $58.95.
wvmikepwv is at seat 2 with $34.10.
ubpokergirl is at seat 3 with $7.75.
jeftamflash is at seat 4 with $40.05.
fitzmoney is at seat 5 with $57.10.
The button is at seat 0.
Jimmy Carter posts the small blind of $.25.
wvmikepwv posts the big blind of $.50.
Jimmy Carter: -- --
wvmikepwv: -- --
ubpokergirl: -- --
jeftamflash: -- --
fitzmoney: -- --
ubpokergirl calls. jeftamflash calls. fitzmoney
folds. TenBagger raises to $2. Jimmy Carter folds.
wvmikepwv folds. ubpokergirl calls. jeftamflash
Flop (board: 5s):
ubpokergirl goes all-in for $5.75. jeftamflash calls.
TenBagger raises to $16. jeftamflash goes all-in
for $38.05. TenBagger calls.
Turn (board:  Ts):
(no action in this round)
River (board:   6h):
(no action in this round)
jeftamflash shows 6c.
jeftamflash has   6h: four sixes.
TenBagger mucks cards.
(TenBagger has Tc.)
ubpokergirl shows Ad.
ubpokergirl has   6h: full house, fives full of sixes.
Hand #35084893-12388 Summary:
$3 is raked from a total pot of $88.60.
$1.20 is raked from the main pot of $24.
$1.80 is raked from side pot #1 of $64.60.
jeftamflash wins the main pot $22.80 with four sixes.
jeftamflash wins the side pot $62.80 with four sixes.
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