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Show hand : 757490

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Handnr: 757490
Submitted by : mwazio

Hand#202563540E000017 - $3000 Races and Rolls Freeroll T6509582 -- Table 16 -- $0/$10/$20 NL Hold'em -- 2009/10/20 - 19:59:56
Seat 3: TheS***3 ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 6: Hero ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 8: Rond***8 ($1,500 in chips)
Seat 9: anda***9 ($1,500 in chips)
Fini***7: posts small blind 10
Rond***8: posts big blind 20

Dealt to Hero2s2h
anda***9: folds
RedT***10: folds
kour***2: folds
TheS***3: calls 20
bang***4: folds
Puck***5: folds
Hero: calls 20
Fini***7: calls 10
Rond***8: checks

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $80)

Fini***7: checks
Rond***8: checks
TheS***3: checks
Hero: bets 80
Fini***7: calls 80
Rond***8: calls 80
TheS***3: folds

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $320.00)

Fini***7: checks
Rond***8: checks
Hero: is all in 1400.0000
Fini***7: folds
Rond***8: is all in 1400.0000
Hero: shows2s2h
Rond***8: showsQdJh

River (Pot : $3,120.00)


Rond***8: wins 3,120 with Full House, Queens full of Jacks
Hero finished 175 out of 174 players

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mwazio   United States. Oct 20 2009 21:14. Posts 28

knocked out on first hand of tourney, priceless

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Eluflop   Estonia. Oct 20 2009 21:25. Posts 3835

haha true


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