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Show hand : 758578

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Handnr: 758578
Submitted by : mwazio

Hand#2028011521000854 - Calgary (6-Max) 11521 -- $0.10/$0.20 NL Hold'em -- 2009/10/24 - 10:47:02
Seat 4: LeMa***4 ($8.72 in chips)
Seat 5: Robo***5 ($13.36 in chips)
Seat 6: Hero ($23.29 in chips)
Seat 7: Chef***7 ($11.43 in chips)
Seat 8: MrJa***8 ($21.52 in chips) DEALER
Seat 9: WARE***9 ($20.40 in chips)
LeMa***4: posts small blind $0.10
Hero: posts big blind $0.20

Dealt to HeroKsKc
Chef***7: calls $0.20
MrJa***8: folds
WARE***9: folds
LeMa***4: raises to $1
Hero: raises to $3
Chef***7: calls $2.80
LeMa***4: calls $2

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $9)

LeMa***4: checks
Hero: bets $9
Chef***7: folds
LeMa***4: is all in 5.7200
Hero: returns uncalled bet $3.28
Hero: showsKsKc
LeMa***4: showsKd5d

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $20.44)


River (Pot : $20.44)


LeMa***4: wins $19.42 with Flush, Ace high

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