Don't check that turn dude. The turned king makes it more likely that you don't have a king, so checking here to me is a sign of extreme strength and means you're not going to get paid off by any one other than an idiot. And don't bet a crappy little $15 on the river either: You checked the turn, and the river card threatens your hand, so check/call the river and avoid this predicament. You also bet way too small on flop. ALSO, do not open limp this shit and then re-raise with it when the action gets back around to you. It is EXTREMELY transparant. Sorry to be telling you everything that you did wrong with this hand...but really, I don't like the way it was played on any street.
Raise it up to $8 UTG, pot the flop, 75% on turn. Given that you open limped and then made a 3-bet on his miniraise, I'd then personally bet $23 on flop, putting the turn pot at $79. Bet $60 on the turn, if he wakes up, shove it all in. If you lose to KQ, KK, or a lucky AK/AA on the river, then too bad. The only really likely hand beating you on the turn is KK, and there is only one permutation of it is actually very unlikely that you're beat (I would think that KQ would fold preflop). |