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Show hand : 767503

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Handnr: 767503
Submitted by : Superman__

***** History for hand R5-8927755-732 *****
Start hand: Fri Nov 13 23:58:59 GMT+0100 2009
Table: Tetouan [8927755] NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $0.25/$0.50, Real money
User: BlackHawk .
Button: seat 8
Players in round: 4
Seat 2: vince_76 $21.08
Seat 5: UpsAA $86.02
Seat 6: kaneda777 $76.67
Seat 8: BlackHawk . $79.47
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to BlackHawk .: 9cKh
kaneda777 folds
BlackHawk . raises $1.50 to $1.50
vince_76 folds
UpsAA calls $1

Flop (Pot : $0.75)

   9s8s s
UpsAA checks
BlackHawk . bets $3.25
UpsAA raises $9 to $9
BlackHawk . raises $74.72 to $77.97 [all in]
UpsAA calls $68.97

Flop (Pot : $0.75)

   9s8s s

Turn (Pot : $0.75)

   9s8s s
Main pot: $159.19 won by BlackHawk . $157.69
Seat 2: vince_76 $20.83 , net: -$0.25
Seat 5: UpsAA $6.55 , net: -$79.47, 2s4s FLUSH KING
Seat 6: kaneda777 $76.67
Seat 8: BlackHawk . $157.69 , net: +$78.22, 9cKh FULL_HOUSE KING, NINE
***** End of hand R5-8927755-732 *****

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