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Show hand : 78724

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Handnr: 78724
Submitted by : Bro01

***** Hand History for Game 5247626460 *****
$50 NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, September 25, 18:02:23 ET 2006
Table Table 97666 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: jamlicker ( $46.87 )
Seat 2: newmslice86 ( $32.85 )
Seat 3: gkirch ( $28.65 )
Seat 4: thefatcat222 ( $84.15 )
Seat 5: swatched ( $46.15 )
Seat 6: draz006 ( $54.47 )
Seat 7: awanker ( $96 )
Seat 8: thimon1986 ( $40.10 )
Seat 9: yyYYYEEAA ( $38 )
Seat 10: Bro002 ( $49.50 )
Bro002 posts small blind [$0.25].
jamlicker posts big blind [$0.50].

Dealt to Bro002 Qd3d
newmslice86 folds.
thefatcat222 folds.
swatched folds.
draz006 folds.
awanker folds.
thimon1986 calls [$0.50].
yyYYYEEAA folds.
Bro002 calls [$0.25].
jamlicker checks.

Flop (Pot : $1.5)

thefatcat222: 99
Bro002 checks.
jamlicker checks.
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thimon1986 checks.

Turn (Pot : $1.5)

Bro002 bets [$1].
jamlicker calls [$1].
thimon1986 calls [$1].

River (Pot : $4.5)

Bro002 bets [$3].
jamlicker calls [$3].
thimon1986 raises [$13].
Bro002 calls [$10].
jamlicker calls [$10].
thimon1986 shows 7dAd a flush, ace high.
Bro002 doesn't show Qd3d a flush, queen high.
jamlicker doesn't show Jd4d a flush, jack high.
thimon1986 wins $41.35 from the main pot with a flush, ace high with ace kicker.

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KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Sep 26 2006 23:07. Posts 1687

fold preflop.

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poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 

KeyleK_uk   United Kingdom. Sep 26 2006 23:08. Posts 1687

100% fold river.

poker is soooo much easier when you flop sets 


All hands submitted by Bro01:

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