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Handnr: 79578 Submitted by : shub
Born1986 (EUR 43,00 in seat 1)
LordKlonk (EUR 49,25 in seat 2)
arkhult (EUR 66,32 in seat 3)
jadaja (EUR 45,41 in seat 4)
red-island (EUR 66,78 in seat 5)
Dealer: LordKlonk
Small Blind: arkhult (0,25)
Big Blind: jadaja (0,50)
Born1986 was dealt: -
red-island Raise (1,50)
Born1986 Call (1,50)
LordKlonk Fold
arkhult Fold
jadaja Fold
Flop - -
red-island Check
Born1986 Check
Turn - - -
red-island Bet (2,00)
Born1986 Raise (4,00)
red-island Call (2,00)
River - - - -
red-island Bet (6,00)
Born1986 All-In (37,50)
red-island Call (31,50)
Born1986 shows: - (three of a kind, aces)
red-island didn't show: - (three of a kind, jacks)
Born1986 wins: EUR 84,75 (with three of a kind, aces)
Rake: EUR 2,00
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