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Handnr: 82319 Submitted by : stratuss
Starting game 625677965.
Giulio71 is at seat 0 with 100.
albert2979 is at seat 1 with 99.
Benson3D2 is at seat 2 with 100.
Siman is at seat 3 with 71.
ghal is at seat 4 with 97.50.
non27 is at seat 5 with 91.
montekarli is at seat 6 with 114.50.
vonernie1 is at seat 7 with 100.
leclou is at seat 8 with 155.50.
bavoyon is at seat 9 with 71.50.
The dealer is seat 5.
montekarli posts a blind of .50.
vonernie1 posts a blind of 1.
(ghal is dealt 2d.)
leclou calls for 1.
bavoyon calls for 1.
Giulio71 calls for 1.
albert2979 folds.
Benson3D2 calls for 1.
Siman folds.
ghal calls for 1.
non27 calls for 1.
montekarli calls for .50.
vonernie1 checks.
The flop comes
montekarli checks.
vonernie1 checks.
leclou checks.
bavoyon checks.
Giulio71 checks.
Benson3D2 bets 1.
ghal raises 6.50.
non27 calls for 7.50.
montekarli folds.
vonernie1 folds.
leclou folds.
bavoyon calls for 7.50.
Giulio71 folds.
Benson3D2 calls for 6.50.
The turn comes Ks.
bavoyon checks.
Benson3D2 checks.
ghal bets 21.
non27 folds.
bavoyon folds.
Benson3D2 calls for 21.
The river comes 8c.
Benson3D2 goes all-in for 70.50.
ghal goes all-in for 68.
2.50 is pushed back to Benson3D2.
Benson3D2 shows 10c Qh.
A pair of Kings -   10c
ghal shows 2d.
Two Pair, Aces and Kings -    
ghal wins pot (216).
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