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Show hand : 83018

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Handnr: 83018
Submitted by : wolfheart

PokerStars Game #6559815416: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2006/10/08 - 05:46:30 (ET)
Table 'Pherkad' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: JustFun[est] ($37.10 in chips)
Seat 2: 19Chris82 ($18.65 in chips)
Seat 3: sins07 ($12.40 in chips)
Seat 4: Perumov ($29.35 in chips)
Seat 5: tiger989 ($7.40 in chips)
Seat 6: TausE ($25.10 in chips)
tiger989: posts small blind $0.10
TausE: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to JustFun[est] TcTh
JustFun[est]: raises $0.75 to $1
19Chris82: calls $1
sins07: calls $1
Perumov: raises $28.35 to $29.35 and is all-in
tiger989: folds
TausE: folds
JustFun[est]: folds
19Chris82: calls $17.65 and is all-in
sins07: folds

Flop (Pot : $61.05)


Turn (Pot : $61.05)


River (Pot : $61.05)


19Chris82: shows AdAs (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
Perumov: mucks hand
19Chris82 collected $37.70 from pot

Total pot $39.65 | Rake $1.95
Board  4c7h6c6h4h
Seat 1: JustFun[est] folded before Flop
Seat 2: 19Chris82 showed AdAs and won ($37.70) with two pair, Aces and Sixes
Seat 3: sins07 folded before Flop
Seat 4: Perumov (button) mucked KsKd
Seat 5: tiger989 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: TausE (big blind) folded before Flop

very strange i thought other has aa
does ppl play aas utg like that?

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wolfheart   Estonia. Oct 08 2006 03:52. Posts 7592

i mean utg +1

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Karma    Australia. Oct 08 2006 04:09. Posts 3538

That's a pretty disgusting play to make with AA there

fish mentality 

PandaSaurus   Australia. Oct 08 2006 04:09. Posts 1651

At this limit, all the time.

They think AA is the nuts, so they'll just call and play hard on the flop.

The min raise seems to be popular too.


PandaSaurus   Australia. Oct 08 2006 04:10. Posts 1651

The KK guys play isn't great either, but meh.



All hands submitted by wolfheart:

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