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Handnr: 83210 Submitted by : Rhaegar
Hand #35084767-61063 at Bullhead City (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 08/Oct/06 18:46:41
IamAmonkey is at seat 0 with $1017.
bigbig is at seat 1 with $351.50.
Dosharaithe is at seat 2 with $1459.75.
babymoore is at seat 3 with $1827.75.
TheMalkavian is at seat 4 with $1000.
dfunderburk is at seat 5 with $1579.
The button is at seat 2.
babymoore posts the small blind of $5.
TheMalkavian posts the big blind of $10.
IamAmonkey: -- --
bigbig: -- --
Dosharaithe: -- --
babymoore: -- --
dfunderburk: -- --
dfunderburk raises to $35. IamAmonkey folds. bigbig
calls. Dosharaithe folds. babymoore folds.
TheMalkavian calls.
Flop (board: 5s):
TheMalkavian bets $110. dfunderburk calls. bigbig
Turn (board:  7h):
TheMalkavian bets $250. dfunderburk raises to $500.
TheMalkavian goes all-in for $855. dfunderburk calls.
River (board:   2d):
(no action in this round)
TheMalkavian shows Qs.
TheMalkavian has   5s: flush, queen high.
dfunderburk shows As.
dfunderburk has   5s: flush, ace high.
Hand #35084767-61063 Summary:
$3 is raked from a pot of $2040.
dfunderburk wins $2037 with flush, ace high.
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