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Show hand : 83433

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Handnr: 83433
Submitted by : wolfheart

PokerStars Game #6572017131: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2006/10/09 - 08:38:02 (ET)
Table 'Iclea IV' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: playar85 ($29 in chips)
Seat 2: Bertling88 ($25.60 in chips)
Seat 3: paultjuh ($37.65 in chips)
Seat 4: JustFun[est] ($31.65 in chips)
Seat 5: wiggy012 ($25 in chips)
JustFun[est]: posts small blind $0.10
wiggy012: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to JustFun[est] 6h6d
playar85: calls $0.25
Bertling88: raises $1 to $1.25
paultjuh: folds
JustFun[est]: calls $1.15
wiggy012: folds
playar85: folds

Flop (Pot : $3)

JustFun[est]: bets $3
Bertling88: raises $4 to $7
JustFun[est]: raises $23.40 to $30.40 and is all-in
Bertling88: calls $17.35 and is all-in

Turn (Pot : $63.8)


River (Pot : $63.8)


JustFun[est]: shows 6h6d (three of a kind, Sixes)
Bertling88: mucks hand
JustFun[est] collected $49.70 from pot

Total pot $51.70 | Rake $2
Board  Ad6s3dKh8s
Seat 1: playar85 folded before Flop
Seat 2: Bertling88 mucked AcJc
Seat 3: paultjuh (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: JustFun[est] (small blind) showed 6h6d and won ($49.70) with three of a kind, Sixes
Seat 5: wiggy012 (big blind) folded before Flop

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GoldenIP   United Kingdom. Oct 09 2006 07:21. Posts 103

I love your bet on the flop with a set. I see that as an advanced play. So many players at the lower limits slow-play sets and thus make it kinda obvious. Betting out a massive hand (when it's unlikely he's on a flush-draw) gives the pre-flop raiser a great impression that he thinks he probably got you out-kicked.

I think if you were both deeper stacked I would have only called his re-raise on the flop and got it all in on the turn. If you were deeper stacked, there's a chance he may have been able to fold to your flop re-raise and in turn thats a potential lost bet.

Good play though IMO.

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Rocks2BeGood   Netherlands. Oct 09 2006 07:22. Posts 3582

your starting to play the game as it should be played.

iD.VaLi on Pokerstars !! 


All hands submitted by wolfheart:

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