both villains basically unknown since I haven't played much nl100 this year. Only history is ChkPointCharlie 4bet-folded vs my first ever 3b vs him like 5 minutes ago.
Only $45 or something behind on river.
Ok bet sizing, I raised small/bet turn small because I figure I will get all the money in by the river with my whole range by river and valuetown more hands from him this way in the long run, expecting him to get caught up with Jx, Tx here more often when I am betting like this, and draws aren't such a huge part of his range in this spot because he checks them behind sometimes on the flop.
Can I shove that 1/2 pot on the river for value in this situation tho? Pretty thin, but how often can he show up with a better hand here after call-call? JT, JQ, 22 shouldn't be flatting twice and esp not vs these small bets giving me good odds when I am drawing. I guess he can have JJ, QQ, KK, AA that beat me, though I can probably expect people to raise all-in on the turn when they have any of those hands no?
This is basically the range I thought I was betting against on the river (well I actually thought it was a bit better, during the hand I didn't consider QQ+ as being in his range 100% of the time here like they are in this range. Taking out QQ, KK, AA gives me 70% equity making it a clear bet)
Board: 2d Jd Th Qs 3c
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.500% 52.50% 00.00% 21 0.00 { KdQd }
Hand 1: 47.500% 47.50% 00.00% 19 0.00 { JJ+, AJs, KJs, QJs, AJo, KJo, QJo }
made a thread for this one since I want a deeper analysis on my thoughts