Narious   Canada. Oct 15 2006 13:22. Posts 4800
Is this a bad laydown? He'ld been playing quite tight. I know I'm getting good odds to see a flop, but I'm worried that if I hit I'm going to get stacked by aces.
[vital]Myth   United States. Oct 15 2006 13:25. Posts 12159
ehhhhhhhh this is probably ok if you think he's actually a nit who understands hand strength. i wouldn't be surprised if he has KQ, 99, and other total junk here though. i don't think i could ever fold this preflop at this level but if you're confident that he knows 99 is not a hand to do this with, then this is probably an ok fold.
Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUser