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Show hand : 873981

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Handnr: 873981
Submitted by : stquintin07

Game # 1957555733 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 1/2 - Table "Reading"
Players(max 6):
@Pok (EUR 54.20 in seat 1)
sassikaia (EUR 213.69 in seat 2)
JD123 (EUR 239.94 in seat 3)
DrugojNick (EUR 56.75 in seat 4)
bryman (EUR 152.14 in seat 5)
SaJeRPRO (EUR 165.08 in seat 6)
Dealer: SaJeRPRO
Small Blind: @Pok (1.00)
Big Blind: sassikaia (2.00)


sassikaia was dealt: 9d7d
JD123 Fold
DrugojNick Raise (4.00)
bryman Fold
SaJeRPRO Call (4.00)
@Pok Fold
sassikaia Call (2.00)

Flop (Pot : $13.00)

sassikaia Check
DrugojNick Check
SaJeRPRO Bet (6.50)
sassikaia Call (6.50)
DrugojNick Fold

Turn (Pot : $26.00)

sassikaia Check
SaJeRPRO Bet (13.00)
sassikaia Call (13.00)

River (Pot : $52.00)

sassikaia Check
SaJeRPRO Bet (30.00)
sassikaia Call (30.00)

SaJeRPRO shows: AhAd (a full house, Aces full of Threes)
sassikaia didn't show hand (9d 7d)
SaJeRPRO wins: EUR 109.00 (with a full house, Aces full of Threes)
Rake: EUR 3.00
Game ended 2010-11-25 13:32:42 GMT

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