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Show hand : 874200

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Handnr: 874200
Submitted by : stquintin07

Game # 1960732964 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 1/2 - Table "Luton"
Players(max 6):
sassikaia (EUR 200.00 in seat 1)
fire_steal (EUR 236.25 in seat 2)
Undercat (EUR 262.45 in seat 3)
skate_kid (EUR 370.12 in seat 4)
FRaNKtTaNK (EUR 301.80 in seat 5)
KaraBaC (EUR 57.90 in seat 6)
Dealer: KaraBaC
Small Blind: sassikaia (1.00)
Big Blind: fire_steal (2.00)


sassikaia was dealt: ThJc
Undercat Raise (7.00)
skate_kid Fold
KaraBaC Fold
sassikaia Raise (19.00)
fire_steal Fold
Undercat Call (13.00)

Flop (Pot : $42.00)

sassikaia Check
Undercat Check

Turn (Pot : $42.00)

sassikaia Bet (28.00)
Undercat Fold
sassikaia Payback (28.00)
sassikaia didn't show hand
sassikaia wins: EUR 39.90
Rake: EUR 2.10
Game ended 2010-11-27 16:10:42 GMT

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stquintin07   . Nov 27 2010 11:24. Posts 33

hey,so here i don't think he'll fold to my cbet that often....uuummmh pretty much never i feel so i check to give up,he check behind and i toke it down,but that is not the issue here.
U always say that euro ppl play u back right after u win a pot from them so lets see the next link with a hand happened 1 min after this
this guy btw is a 25/20 reg,

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