Showdown RICHARD114 - Shows (One pair, kings)
GFORCEBOND27 - Shows (Two Pair, kings and twos)
GFORCEBOND27 Collects $0.12 from 72 proposition pot
GFORCEBOND27 Collects $1.38 from main pot
Summary Total Pot($1.45) | Rake ($0.07) | 72 Proposition Pot ($0.12)
Seat 1: GFORCEBOND27 (big blind) won Total ($1.50) HI:($1.38) with Two Pair, kings and twos - ] 72 Prop Win ($0.12) with
Seat 4: KMAN555111 (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 5: RICHARD114 (small blind) HI:lost with One pair, kings - ]
why are you 3betting 27o, i have seen several hands where u have.
GfOrcebOnd   United States. Dec 05 2010 14:46. Posts 429
b/c it's a 72 game if you win with 72 you win the side pot everybody puts in like 3 or 4 cents each before the hand starts plus if you win with it it just tends to put people on mad tilt and they start calling you with like 77 all in pre when u got them crushed lol
You live then you die and are reborn
Last edit: 05/12/2010 14:50
superfashion   United States. Dec 05 2010 14:54. Posts 918
you're going to lose a ton of money trying to bluff idiots with 72o in an attempt to make like 10 cents?
shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom
GfOrcebOnd   United States. Dec 05 2010 15:01. Posts 429
no way it's good for the game i've made money on 72 with the 72 proposition b/c majority of the time (60 percent) i 3 bet or raise with it and everyone folds and there are usually more people this hand there was only 3 people but at a max 6 handed table or 9 handed you can make 24 cents for the side pot.