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Show hand : 881447

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Handnr: 881447
Submitted by : stquintin07

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** IPoker
$200.00 USD NL Texas Holdem - Thursday, December 30, 04:20:59 ET 2010
Table Orangeville Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $103.00 USD - VPIP: 23, PFR: 10, 3B: 0, AF: 0.6, Hands: 40
Seat 3: Player3 $58.00 USD - VPIP: 43, PFR: 43, 3B: 29, AF: Infinity, Hands: 14
Seat 5: Player5 $53.00 USD - VPIP: 30, PFR: 9, 3B: 5, AF: 1.3, Hands: 43
Seat 6: Hero $200.00 USD - VPIP: 25, PFR: 20, 3B: 7, AF: 3.2, Hands: 2978
Seat 8: Player8 $210.75 USD - VPIP: 41, PFR: 27, 3B: 22, AF: 2.4, Hands: 49
Seat 10: Player10 $57.00 USD - VPIP: 23, PFR: 10, 3B: 0, AF: 0.6, Hands: 40
Player3 posts small blind [$1.00 USD].
Player5 posts big blind [$2.00 USD].

Dealt to HeroQhQd
Hero raises [$6.00 USD]
Player8 calls [$6.00 USD]
Player10 folds
Player1 folds
Player3 folds
Player5 folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $15.00)

Hero bets [$10.00 USD]
Player8 calls [$10.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $35.00)

Hero bets [$22.00 USD]
Player8 calls [$22.00 USD]

River (Pot : $79.00)

Hero checks

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stquintin07   . Dec 30 2010 09:24. Posts 33

question here is abt the river play,this is a new players to me,first hand we played together,so no reads!!
i've opted to check because:

1-i think a random wont call here with 10x
2-he wont turn his hand in to a bluff either but checking gives him a chance to bet missed draws
3-mini bet to induce i think is bad idea vs total unknown
4-overbet for value required a bit of dynamyc

the only thing i hate abt this hand his my turn size,too small vs unknown with so many draws out ther i think,good size to induce vs competent tho..

Also,because we can assume that if i'd check the flop he would bet very frequently,is this a good spot to c/raise on the flop???with my QdQh i'm blocking lots of draws,so once he call my flop/raise we could put him on a made hand rather then a drawing one,therefore he might call also a gigantic turn shove because i'm repping a draw i make any sense or i'm still drunk after xmas????

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D_Zoo   Canada. Jan 02 2011 14:33. Posts 4013

i would just bet the river vs unknown because who knows what he can call you with and u bet so small on turn u can bet like 44 on the river and still get called with worse

checking is ok but def like that more if we bet stronger on turn which like u said u should have

I would only go for c/r on flops vs players I know bet when checked to and/or get frisky vs that line. I like using c/r vs players that know its a spot I normally c/f so it protects my future checks if I wnat to pot control like A9 or 10x

You aint a poet ur just a drunk with a pen 


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