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Show hand : 882147

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Handnr: 882147
Submitted by : stquintin07

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><session sessioncode="2946277661">
<gametype>Holdem NL $2/$4</gametype>
<tablename>Angara No DP </tablename>
<startdate>2011-01-03 16:52:06</startdate>

<game gamecode="2577886174">
<startdate>2011-01-03 17:17:50</startdate>
<player seat="1" name="jimmypineapple" chips="$545" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$4" /><player seat="2" name="" chips="$0" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" /><player seat="3" name="GERRY 99" chips="$194.60" dealer="0" win="$281.60" bet="$194.60" /><player seat="4" name="" chips="$0" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" /><player seat="5" name="ooDARKOREDoo" chips="$194" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" /><player seat="6" name="ssarouyni" chips="$412.80" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" /><player seat="7" name="" chips="$0" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" /><player seat="8" name="THECLAIMANT" chips="$441.70" dealer="1" win="$0" bet="$84" /><player seat="9" name="" chips="$0" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" /><player seat="10" name="OmgUSSuck" chips="$404" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$2" />
<round no="0">
<action no="2" player="jimmypineapple" type="2" sum="$4" cards="[cards]"/><action no="1" player="OmgUSSuck" type="1" sum="$2" cards="[cards]"/>
<round no="1">
<cards type="Pocket" player="jimmypineapple">X X</cards><action no="8" player="jimmypineapple" type="0" sum="$0" cards=""/><cards type="Pocket" player="GERRY 99">X X</cards><action no="3" player="GERRY 99" type="3" sum="$4" cards=""/><action no="9" player="GERRY 99" type="3" sum="$8" cards=""/><cards type="Pocket" player="ooDARKOREDoo">X X</cards><action no="4" player="ooDARKOREDoo" type="0" sum="$0" cards=""/><cards type="Pocket" player="ssarouyni">X X</cards><action no="5" player="ssarouyni" type="0" sum="$0" cards=""/><cards type="Pocket" player="THECLAIMANT">TD HA</cards><action no="6" player="THECLAIMANT" type="23" sum="$12" cards=""/><cards type="Pocket" player="OmgUSSuck">X X</cards><action no="7" player="OmgUSSuck" type="0" sum="$0" cards=""/>
<round no="2">
<cards type="Flop" player="">CJ TH C5</cards><action no="10" player="GERRY 99" type="4" sum="$0" cards=""/><action no="12" player="GERRY 99" type="3" sum="$20" cards=""/><action no="11" player="THECLAIMANT" type="5" sum="$20" cards=""/>
<round no="3">
<cards type="Turn" player="">H3</cards><action no="13" player="GERRY 99" type="4" sum="$0" cards=""/><action no="15" player="GERRY 99" type="3" sum="$52" cards=""/><action no="14" player="THECLAIMANT" type="5" sum="$52" cards=""/>
<round no="4">
<cards type="River" player="">C9</cards><action no="16" player="GERRY 99" type="5" sum="$110.60" cards=""/><action no="17" player="THECLAIMANT" type="0" sum="$0" cards=""/>


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