1. hand Id reraise preflop to get a clue where im at right away, players in 50nl are pretty straight forward right? Or just raise the flop 100%, and as played you have to call the turn and any pretty much any river card except A and maybe K? Its such a good card for him to represent even if he has 77-JJ, AQ, AJ, ATs or random suited connectors.
2. hand id definetely call on river as played. really looks like a draw hand to me, maybe diamonds? he bets under half pot on turn after minraised the flop... if he has better hand than yours here then hes a huge donkey right? I think you should just get to see his hands few times, then it will be a lot easier to know what the hell hes doing ?
I bet your folding % on turn/river is pretty high if you can fold hands like these and atleast I personally abuse it a lot.
Dunno, maybe Im wrong |