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Handnr: 91916 Submitted by : Twisted
Hand #35084342-98776 at Wichita (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 29/Oct/06 10:05:30
Syzygy2 is at seat 0 with $96.05.
Helo Jumper is at seat 1 with $101.75.
pitbullhouse is at seat 2 with $88.40.
Fish1984 is at seat 3 with $353.05.
Scottery is at seat 4 with $304.90.
deleo is at seat 5 with $78.25.
The button is at seat 1.
pitbullhouse posts the small blind of $1.
Fish1984 posts the big blind of $2.
Syzygy2: -- --
Helo Jumper: -- --
pitbullhouse: -- --
Scottery: -- --
deleo: -- --
Scottery folds. deleo calls. Syzygy2 calls. Helo
Jumper calls. pitbullhouse calls. Fish1984 raises
to $12. deleo calls. Syzygy2 calls. Helo Jumper
calls. pitbullhouse goes all-in for $88.40.
Fish1984 re-raises to $164.80. deleo folds. Syzygy2
folds. Helo Jumper folds. Fish1984 is returned
$76.40 (uncalled).
Flop (board: 2s):
(no action in this round)
Turn (board:  4s):
(no action in this round)
River (board:   2c):
(no action in this round)
Fish1984 shows Ac.
Fish1984 has   2c: three deuces.
pitbullhouse shows As.
pitbullhouse has   2c: three deuces, ace kicker.
Hand #35084342-98776 Summary:
$3 is raked from a pot of $212.80.
Fish1984 wins $209.80 with three deuces.
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