or the best! (he dosnt expect me to valuebet without Ks As, and i never have those hands in my actual holding (+ not alot of them is betting turn)
so i should not have a valuehand here often at all, except maybe AsQ or AsA, that might ch behind turn too a large %
there isnt really any hand in my range that should valuebet like this both on turn and river excpcet a turned K or A high flush, a good handreader should instantly see this puzzle of a hand, of seeing a nonalready flushhand to actually bet the turn against his precived set/2pair heavy range at the point from checking
so thats probably why he clicked call, + the fact that he never has Aspade in his hand here like ever himself he should feel the need to protect that
its like he knows i cant have anything + he cant have anything, so he expects me to bluff, so he check/call, while i think that he think that, and valuebet because of the fact as thats how i think he viewes the situation because i cant have a strong hand here often + that he cant, so i should have more bluffs. in reality i never bluff here against him, because i think i have a good grasp on how he thinks(+how he think i think)! |