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Show hand : 929729

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Handnr: 929729
Submitted by : chickhunter

MERGE_GAME #4570270700919: Holdem NL $0.50/$1 12/23/2011 03:50:08
Table Bad Beat - Rue St Catherine 45702707 , Seats 9
Seat 1: oddsagainstu $102.68 in chips
Seat 2: Hero $102.00 in chips
Seat 3: BluMeanie $38.97 in chips
Seat 4: 123maryc $34.72 in chips
Seat 5: glissdaddy $100.00 in chips DEALER
Seat 6: doperiver227 $60.00 in chips
Seat 7: GamingF0Sho $275.43 in chips
Seat 8: frodoshire $100.00 in chips
Seat 9: JustGrindItOut $102.00 in chips
doperiver227: Post SB $0.50
GamingF0Sho: Post BB $1.00

Dealt to HeroAdAs
frodoshire: Raise $3.00
JustGrindItOut: Fold
oddsagainstu: Fold
Hero: Call $3.00
BluMeanie: Fold
123maryc: Fold
glissdaddy: Fold
doperiver227: Fold
GamingF0Sho: Fold

Flop (Pot : $7.50)

frodoshire: Check
Hero: Bet $3.75
frodoshire: Raise $11.00
Hero: Call $7.25

Turn (Pot : $29.50)

frodoshire: Bet $22.00
Hero: Call $22.00

River (Pot : $73.50)

frodoshire: Allin $64.00
Hero: Call $64.00

frodoshire: ShowsKsJd
Hero: ShowsAdAs
Hero: wins $198.00

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