EvilSky   Czech Republic. Jun 05 2012 16:33. Posts 8918
no real history, this is usually a pretty standard bet for me but the games have changed a bit so Im not sure, thoughts?
Daut   United States. Jun 05 2012 16:34. Posts 8955
really gross this deep. if he has Tx, JJ or QQ is he more likely to call or bluff shove?
if hes gonna turn some hands into bluffs bet/folding and bet/calling are both bad and he isnt paying off enough on river. but if he just heroes down you gotta bet? man i dont know what to do unless i have a real good feel for a player.
i guess standard is bet cause most wont turn hands into bluffs enough
NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut
Last edit: 05/06/2012 16:36
Baalim   Mexico. Jun 05 2012 16:59. Posts 34267
dont know villian but i wouldnt count on JJ and QQ being in his river bluff shoving range