Oddeye   Canada. Jun 26 2012 00:11. Posts 5106
Ok so basically I've seen highfivelol play and he looked pretty tight. Didn't seem to 3b much, EDMONCOR is a massive fish who really sucks and on top of that he was on massive tilt. After I check I think EDMONCOR is gonna fire alot, my plan was obviously to jam over just about anything. After highfivelol call I thought I might have some fold equity against hands that beat me considering he was pretty tight. I think highfivelol range is mostly PPs here, but for some reason I thought he might not call 22 33, so I thought he would have something along 55+. If he has like 88 to JJ he's probably gonna end up calling vs this donkey who shove who has like 45%VP once I jam over I think he's gonna fold a bit with those hands.
Like or dislike?
Last edit: 26/06/2012 00:28
traxamillion   United States. Jun 26 2012 02:01. Posts 10468
he obviously is never folding after putting in 98% of his stack though lol
Oddeye   Canada. Jun 26 2012 15:42. Posts 5106
you mean EDMONCOR? of course he isn't. The question is about jamming over highfivelol who has like 4bi and ended the session with like 8 despite not really being that great.