player999   Brasil. Sep 20 2012 13:22. Posts 7978
you prob lost 1200 for checking flop
Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol
hmm maybe. he said he had JJ (rofl @ pf). kinda got a gut feeling that they will fold so often to a bet here, putting me on high PP's and Tx's. just kinda wanted to check to let them spazz out. or if not then mb hit a J/Q/K/A and then take em to value town. bad thinking?
Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb
player999   Brasil. Sep 20 2012 13:48. Posts 7978
I guess not, just sucks when they do have Tx
Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol
patti   United States. Sep 20 2012 13:50. Posts 550
You still got 3 streets. I don't think its that bad