gawdawaful   Canada. Oct 10 2012 02:37. Posts 9012
is this river jam standard?
Im only good at poker when I run good
lostaccount   Canada. Oct 10 2012 03:14. Posts 6276
sucks you have KK so less chance he has AK. what about like a 30$ bet to get aj a call, shoving seems really strong. turn is a pretty good bet imo. fwiw im still a omaha noob
vancouver la belle vie mid life
TianYuan   Korea (South). Oct 10 2012 04:17. Posts 6817
I think river jam is probably bad yeah. Fuck played so terribly today, feel oddly sad about it =/
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. Oct 10 2012 04:28. Posts 4697
No competent player should call off any more after the flop without AK+ right? If he's a retard I like it. If not I'd check turn and see who wants to bet. If it's AELISTAS I'd probably fold since someone overcalled on him so he pretty much has either AK or AQ and we don't have the eq to continue against that, against A1essandr0 I might call.
DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Oct 10 2012 04:32. Posts 8623
I always bet turn here, no point in letting the guy draw with A543 or something and I'd probably bet bet jam anything I cbet that happens to have a flushdraw somesmall % too just to balance it.
Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. Oct 10 2012 04:34. Posts 4697
Actually I guess you're right dusty, we should bet just to get out the hands with 9 outs against us. I wouldn't be happy when we get called though. Bet turn, c/f river.