***** Hand History for Game 1858220663 ***** Boss
$200.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, November 21, 01:33:34 ET 2012
Table Britta Turbo 6 Real Money
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero $397.00 USD
Seat 3: NickNock81 $400.00 USD
Hero posts small blind [$1.00 USD].
NickNock81 posts big blind [$2.00 USD].
gosuruss   United States. Nov 21 2012 15:05. Posts 30
this is poorly played imo. i think you must bet the turn after he checks if you check back flop. 200 big blinds deep i would probably just bet the flop.
When he checks turn, he likely has a hand with more showdown value than yours. as he is likely to bluff this turn with all of his air and follow through on most rivers.
If river comes and he checks (and turned checked through), are you just checking back or planning to bluff any cards as played?
YoMeR   United States. Nov 21 2012 15:45. Posts 12438
i think villain played this even worse.
eZ Life.
hording   Sweden. Nov 21 2012 16:02. Posts 474
this was a 5man table breaking down to 2 players so I was just randomclicking and thought my A high was good
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Nov 21 2012 16:17. Posts 5330
checking back AT on the turn seems fine to me
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings