Twisted   Netherlands. Dec 31 2012 22:45. Posts 10422
$30. No need for more because you want missed draws to fold.
Twisted   Netherlands. Dec 31 2012 22:45. Posts 10422
But ya, gotta bet.
YoMeR   United States. Dec 31 2012 23:49. Posts 12438
It's safe to assume villain's range here is capped to med str hands AQxx Qxxx w clubs or 7xxx w clubs etc. or even hands like bare KKxx
quick question wouldn't we want to jam river to get him to fold out hands like AQxx and bare KKxx here? since betting 30$ will only fold out draws and made hands will NEVER fold whereas if we jam river we could potentially fold out some of the combos of made hands + the busted draws so a jam could be more +ev than a $30 bet.
Just food for thought. Would like thoughts ^^
eZ Life.
lacman730   United States. Jan 01 2013 02:32. Posts 311
i really dislike a jam here because with our 3 bet pf, most made hands we could have that gets to this river aren't strong enough to jam for value (we aren't jamming AA, KK, AQ, 87 etc) making us weighted way more heavily to busted flush draws. if i was villain i would very suspicious of a jam and probably hero call any Q or better.