ok so there are two situations
1: i call and get it in vs cold4bet guy. squeeze guy folds, maybe 70% of the time. and his dead money goes to us.
2: i call and squeeze guy calls as well with AK, QQ+. I think this happens about 30% of the time,
situation 1: im 53% vs a range that is AcAh,AcAs,KcKs,QcQd,QcQh,QcQs,QdQs,JcJh,JcJs,JdJs,AKs,AhQh,AsQs,AKo,AcQs,AdQc,AdQs,AhQc,AhQd,AsQc,AsQd,AsQh
i took out a lot of AA/KK and some QQ combos since they should be 4betting. And also took out some AQ and JJ combos.
so 53% there, + the dead money and blinds, minus the rake. And the $6 i've invested already
situation 2: squeezer calls with QQ+,AKs,AKo. we get it in 3way for a big pot.
Im getting it in 22.6% here and am slightly deep vs the guy the squeezer that's crushing me. ( he is 47.2%) the 4bet jammer is 30.1%