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Liquidpoker PCA Report (Pre Day 1)

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Jan 05 2007 16:20. Posts 7292

So being the dork that I am, I decided that I was going to go to the PokerStars Carribean Adventure as a vacation and not play in the event. Therefore, unlike my poker playing peers, the goal of my trip is simple: To have fun and share it with you guys.

My trip started at 5am in the morning in California as I dressed in a PokerStars shirt to make sure I stood out to any fellow poker players I might meet while on my way over.

As you can see... I'm somehow very awake at 5am

Needless to say that plan worked out very well as I met atleast 15 players, of one being bigjoe2003 (a fairly well known party poker sit n go player). Upon arriving to the Bahamas, I met up with II nRg II (Better known as Brendan to anyone using our Ventrilo server) who use to be RaiNKhaN's old roommate. Four of us rode some backwards taxi to Atlantis and soon after I met up with RaiNKhaN in his room.

RaiNKhaN is in the back on the laptop. Bigjoe2003 is upfront

It wasn't too long before we made our way to the Poker Room. Right when I walked through the door, Barry Greenstein and Mimi Tran walked right past me. It didn't take long to meet up with some fellow Liquidpoker players. Ladies and Gents, may I present to you the man himself:

Yes that's right, it's BigBalls aka Daut44.

Didn't take long to meet more of the gang. May I present to you another one of our fine admins on this site: aka Corwin!

To kill sometime, RaiNKhaN entered a $810 satellite to the main event hoping to win another seat. Two hours later he was heads up with a 16 to 1 chip lead on the guy to his right (in this next picture) and ended up losing 5 races to get himself dead even in chips, so they ended up chopping and RaiNKhaN made a nice profit off of it.

RaiNKhaN is sitting at the table. Behind him (left to right) is, PoorUser, and BigBalls.

The Poker room idea got kinda boring since they were only playing sit n go's and no cash games, so the new plan was to head off to some bar 5 mins away from the casino. While gathering the group, I met yet another online poker legend and knew I had to take a picture with him.

JonnyCosMo on the left and twin-caracas on the right

We somehow fit like 14 people in one taxi and got to a bar called Senor Frog. The bar scene in the Bahamas is rocking, as this place in particular was right along the beach.

From left to right: Grimstarr, MangoD, and TheBruiser

The bar closed at like 1:30 which was kinda lame, so we headed off to another night club place called Liquid(?). Bigballs and Lyric showed up out of nowhere before we left the bars.

From left to right: EmpireMaker, Grimstarr and BigBalls

From left to right: JonnyCosMo, TheBruiser, and Lyric

After the fun ended there we went back to the Atlantis and while walking through the main lounge, we saw a real online poker legend.

Brian Townsend aka aba20 or sbrugby, whos going to be on HSP Season 3

Before getting back to our rooms, I ran into thorladen and knew I had to take a picture with our fellow LPer~

Left to right: JonnyCosMo and thorladen

Today the tournament has started but I'll be back tomorrow with another report on how the day has gone for our Liquidpoker players.

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 05/01/2007 16:26

nicksson   Sweden. Jan 05 2007 16:31. Posts 4662

nice, seems like you guys have alot of fun :D

Twisted    Netherlands. Jan 05 2007 16:32. Posts 10422

Sweet report, nice pics

Hoolz_1907   United Kingdom. Jan 05 2007 16:34. Posts 2791

this looks so amazing

Look at his hand and equities, what do you expect him to have here, uno cards? - TianYuan 

AleKSei   Mexico. Jan 05 2007 16:34. Posts 1261

Nice report, more pics plz :D

TimDawg: wtf are you doing sitting at 5kNL? gives me alone time to think about the world. 

humPah   Finland. Jan 05 2007 16:36. Posts 1544


Raising preflop more than 10% is somewhat wild. 5% is average. Less than 3% is passive. 

Syntax   United States. Jan 05 2007 16:37. Posts 4415

rainkhan's that good? holy lol

wut wut wut 

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 05 2007 16:37. Posts 34252

holy fuck, looks like every single online legend is there O_____O

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Bigbobm   United States. Jan 05 2007 16:39. Posts 5511

looks like fun

stop spilling on yourself btw cosmo

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

WiseAdvice   Canada. Jan 05 2007 16:44. Posts 881

twin caracase looks diff than that pic he had online thought he was mid 20's but looks to be in mid 40's
thorladen i thought was like 30, but looks to be pushing 50.
just weird but anyhow thx for pics, have fun there


Loco   Canada. Jan 05 2007 16:44. Posts 20964

hahaha <3 cosmo for doing this
keep reporting, i had an awesome read, nice pics too ;D

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Mig    United States. Jan 05 2007 16:47. Posts 1597

this is pooruser -.-
im out
corwin and daut are both above average but not by much and twistedecho looks to be doing ok too
thats all i know for now. a lot more well known people are playing tomorrow

 Last edit: 05/01/2007 16:48

Loco   Canada. Jan 05 2007 16:52. Posts 20964

what happened PU?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Logiabs~   Colombia. Jan 05 2007 16:55. Posts 9133

where is twisted echo picture!
that looks amzing, mig looks cool

btw i think twincaracas is not that old maybe 27 or so, i think it is just his hair lol


 Last edit: 05/01/2007 16:58

TopGear   United Kingdom. Jan 05 2007 17:06. Posts 663

Nice report!

Didnt Jon miss his flight though?

Is there a bonus code you need to enter to get the super account? I still cant see others cards. 

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Jan 05 2007 17:11. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? 

Mig    United States. Jan 05 2007 17:15. Posts 1597

card dead, 3 barreled the wrong guy, then button had ak when i had aj in bb...boom

InSideOut   Canada. Jan 05 2007 17:16. Posts 854

gl guys

n0rthf4ce    United States. Jan 05 2007 17:35. Posts 8119

very nice 

Logiabs~   Colombia. Jan 05 2007 17:39. Posts 9133

cosmo <3


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