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Getting married! [photos - Page 2

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Fayth    Canada. Apr 01 2012 21:27. Posts 10085

LOL twisted

and congrats

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

sunnysky7   . Apr 01 2012 21:39. Posts 1549

congrats, bro
this is so great news

palak   United States. Apr 01 2012 21:51. Posts 4601

this could also be an epic april fools joke

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

the cleaner   Germany. Apr 01 2012 22:33. Posts 3014

Congrats and all the best!

there are no facts only interpretations 

AznFisherman   United States. Apr 01 2012 22:43. Posts 956

cute guy, lucky you got him

NeillyJQ   United States. Apr 01 2012 23:25. Posts 8947

ur the man exalted. well done, love your grasp on life.

visit ur ass in taiwan soon mang


Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Apr 01 2012 23:49. Posts 6374


ban baal 

whaackum   United States. Apr 01 2012 23:53. Posts 1586


The W. 

thumbz555   United States. Apr 02 2012 00:09. Posts 3281

in before byrn faps to this...

I click buttons. 

lostaccount   Canada. Apr 02 2012 00:16. Posts 6115

grats man

duo xie merci ty :) gracais obrigado danke xie xie 

PanoRaMa   United States. Apr 02 2012 00:42. Posts 1655

Grats to both of you 

Fujikura   United States. Apr 02 2012 01:04. Posts 1795

Congrats buddy :D

aka SouL)Z(Isadie and SouL)P(Fujikura 

Rekrul   United States. Apr 02 2012 02:22. Posts 3338

100% april fools


Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 02 2012 02:57. Posts 4742

I knew Tutz was good for something, yay xD

I so want to get married as well now, I want them tips too.

Also really smart to do this now, still 6 weeks till relase of Diablo 3

Oh, and you guys looked really hot, I'd do either one of you if I was into that kinda stuff. Bless <3

Meat   . Apr 02 2012 03:36. Posts 3385

Awesome pics, congrats on getting married! Those pics on the water seem kinda scary, especially in your wedding outfit.

I just wonder why she has 2 wedding dresses?

egood   United States. Apr 02 2012 03:39. Posts 1883

Those photos are pretty gay, but grats, your wife is hot.

The72o   Zimbabwe. Apr 02 2012 05:08. Posts 6112

gratzoo man

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

longple    Sweden. Apr 02 2012 05:19. Posts 4472

sick, gj gz

basementkid   . Apr 02 2012 05:53. Posts 191

Awesome pics. You and your wife look amazing

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Apr 02 2012 06:28. Posts 5326

i don't know you that well but you look like an amazing couple

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 


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