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Getting married! [photos

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exalted   United States. Apr 01 2012 16:50. Posts 2918
Hired a company to take wedding photos. Here we are:

Haven't received the full set of pictures from the company yet. It is common in Taiwan to make a wedding picture "photo-book" - everyone about to marry usually goes and has one made. I received a modeling coaching session from Tutz before the shoot so I am confident the final product will turn out OK. Enjoy!

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exalted from teamliquid :oLast edit: 01/04/2012 16:54

Target-x17   Canada. Apr 01 2012 16:58. Posts 1027


f u bw rock 

morph1   Sierra Leone. Apr 01 2012 17:01. Posts 2352

congrats dude

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life 

hording   Sweden. Apr 01 2012 17:13. Posts 474

Nice! Grats!

ReDDcaFFe   Bulgaria. Apr 01 2012 17:18. Posts 1172

She's gorgeous

I cant wait to take their money 

Spicy   United States. Apr 01 2012 17:30. Posts 1027

holy fucking shit congrats
you have accomplished what many poker players haven't even come close to

Nazgul    Netherlands. Apr 01 2012 17:32. Posts 7080

you guys are so pretty together

You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmo 

Garfed   Malta. Apr 01 2012 17:32. Posts 4818

really cool photos man, gz on getting married as well :D

Kapol   Poland. Apr 01 2012 17:39. Posts 4696

This photo-book thing is also very popular in Poland.

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) 

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 01 2012 17:47. Posts 1841

I threw up a little in my mouth

Rear naked woke 

ThuNDeR   Bulgaria. Apr 01 2012 17:48. Posts 371

came here to troll , but damn u are awesome! gratz

ThiNk DiFFeReNt! 

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Apr 01 2012 17:51. Posts 1585

niceeee congrats.

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

LazyFisH   Australia. Apr 01 2012 17:59. Posts 686

Glad to see you doing well exalted, congrats!

palak   United States. Apr 01 2012 18:51. Posts 4601


dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

AndrewSong    United States. Apr 01 2012 19:05. Posts 2355

Congrats and good luck 8)   Canada. Apr 01 2012 19:13. Posts 3069

Awesome, congrads. Which one are you in the pics?

===== ===== 

flounder44   United States. Apr 01 2012 19:28. Posts 916

solid brag

Twisted    Netherlands. Apr 01 2012 19:35. Posts 10422


So are you guys like.. really small..

or is it just big cards?

Kapol   Poland. Apr 01 2012 20:15. Posts 4696

I'm guessing both answers are correct .

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)Last edit: 01/04/2012 20:16

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 01 2012 20:55. Posts 3292

Was going to be like "wtf don't get married such a bad idea". Then I saw your wife.... should be good for at least a while.


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