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Cancer Cure Documentary - Page 2

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SakiSaki    Sweden. Apr 16 2012 15:09. Posts 9685

  On April 16 2012 12:53 D_smart_S wrote:
Your whole post is very informative for me to know how shallow your research has been.

Apart from watching this video, what other research gave you been doing? Or do you just skip that part and move on to your usual conclusion which goes something like: every person with any capabilities for reasoning and logic is bought by big pharma/USgov/illuminati and the only one really telling you the truth is that guy on the youtube video.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 15:21. Posts 688

i checked a good amount of the documentary and saw that it's true. In fact, there are big pharma companies that now research the same things that Burzynski is but they are not sued or anything by FDA. They show the actual documents of years of study and research by Burzynski, a hundred of his patients march in his favour, numerous testimonials IN COURT. I mean, there is the court case with the defense and prosecution, questions asked, witness testimonial and some guy just googles his name and copy-pastes wikipedia instead of going to the fucking source. C'mon, we aren't in the kindergarden.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Apr 16 2012 15:27. Posts 9685

Link me to the sources showing that its true then. And a source is not another tinfoil hat also saying that the video is true.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Zep   United States. Apr 16 2012 15:56. Posts 2292

  On April 16 2012 12:53 D_smart_S wrote:
lol very good mix bro. I don't know why you put "earth is 5000 years ago" among conspiracy theories. I don't know a person who would believe such crap. I mean, even religious people don't believe that, right? I urge you however to not just take someone else's opinion as yours because of your lack of interest. Your whole post is very informative for me to know how shallow your research has been. You basically quote all the government propaganda. And who the hell believes that a guy standing many meters behind Kennedy's car can shoot him in the front part of the skull and make his head move backwards. Oh, and that bullet not only made a 180 degrees turn but also hit the car and the wrist of one of the passangers. That's one hell of a bullet. There was also a hole in the front of the car. I watched a documentary on discovery or some mainstream channel and they showed a video of the pressconference of the doctor but they didn't show the last few seconds where he shows that the autopsy has concluded a shot in the front part of the skull. This was so lol. I lated watched another documentary and they gave the whole shot with the doc showing the impact area and i watched them side to side it was so fkn hilarious how obvious the propaganda was. But woah, check it on wikipedia to see if that's true or false, quickly - Is there anything anti-government or anti-corporation on wikipedia? Grow some brain, guys. When I saw Carthac's last post I was like "this guy is American". In other countries you would see many people who just don't know or don't have an opinion on conspiracies, they haven't really heard or read anything. In America - most people have been brainwashed so they have an opinion and it's not even theirs. Shows like Penn and Teller, that old debunker guy with the beard, Michael Shermer - they are all government paid disinfo agents. Penn and Teller are so pathetic they dont even try to look scientific. Their show is like "yo sup guys this is bullshit, that is bullshit, lol fuck this shit, I am a wagon."

Oh man. LOL. A+. Gold. So you don't believe Oswald killed JFK? My favorite part is you don't believe PHYSICS could have caused the backwards head movement of JFK if he was shot from behind, yet you claim to understand cancer treatments. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Like I've said at least a handful of times, you believe in bullshit that cannot be proven. Watch this penn and teller (Whom you apparently distrust because...???) bullshit video proving you don't know shit about physics.

Edit: Maybe because you're a shallow ignorant fuck you don't realize this, but 40% of American's believe the earth is less than 6000 years old. You obviously don't pay attention to anything but your tiny dick, but if you did, you would realize WHY American's are stupid instead of just quoting someone else's thoughts.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 16/04/2012 16:12

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 16:14. Posts 688

  On April 16 2012 14:27 SakiSaki wrote:
Link me to the sources showing that its true then. And a source is not another tinfoil hat also saying that the video is true.

man just watch the video and research on ur own, im not ur dog.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

PoorUser    United States. Apr 16 2012 16:32. Posts 7471

  On April 16 2012 14:27 SakiSaki wrote:
Link me to the sources showing that its true then. And a source is not another tinfoil hat also saying that the video is true.

you are expecting him to provide tangible evidence of his extraordinary claims that are independently verifiable? lololol have you not read any of his posts ever

1) huge claim
2) walls of text claiming that there are troves of sources that any one can find through research backing his claim while providing none ever
3) people do said research and find massively dissenting opinions
4) dss claims everyone is an idiot and still provides no factual independent evidence

repeat steps 3 and 4 over and over until thread dies

Gambler EmeritusLast edit: 16/04/2012 16:33

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 16:46. Posts 688

today I found out that the actual authentic video and official documents in the court case concerning the same topic of argument as in this thread is NOT APPROVED as EVIDENCE on Liquidpoker. If pooruser was the judge, for example, he would be like "yo I don't care that you all guys want to testify that you are cured and all that shit, that doesn't matter in Liquidpoker, bitches!" Pathetic.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 16/04/2012 16:47

SakiSaki    Sweden. Apr 16 2012 17:17. Posts 9685

Like i said, another tinfoilhat saying its true isnt evidence. Not even if he says it in court.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Bejamin1   Canada. Apr 16 2012 17:52. Posts 7042

Roflmao DSS that's the worst evidence you could possibly come up with. You clearly don't understand the placebo effect at all. People can take sugar pills and then think that's what made them better. It literally happens all the time in medical trials. Maybe what you should do is research how people like yourself form conspiracy theories in the first place.

Step 1 - Point out some weird detail in a light that casts just the smallest bit of doubt about something.
Step 2 - People accept the tiny detail as truth because it sounds rational, logical, and reasonable
Step 3 - People don't bother to actually look at the science behind what was said because it sounded good
Step 4 - Above mentioned people are spoon-fed hilarious alternate truths presented in the same sounds reasonable type of rhetoric
Step 5 - Above mentioned people begin to believe in a conspiracy theory and go looking for others who support their beliefs, blindly accepting anything they say as further evidence of the truth

This is what you do. There is way too much knowledge out there for anyone to understand so they blindly accept the opinion of others. I bet you didn't do any research on physics you just believed that guy who said physics made the JFK shooting impossible. See if you actually bothered to pick up a physics textbook in your life you'd realize that guy was a complete moron talking out of his ass. Guaranteed you can find 10 debunking videos for every 1 of your little conspiracy videos. You know, videos done by actual scientists who are pissed off that people are so stupid to believe everything some "expert" with fake credentials tells them.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 16 2012 18:57. Posts 4946

I think MythBusters or someone did their own debunking of the JFK assassination. They basically paid to have a humanoid carcass constructed and filled with all the fluid and mass you would find in a real skull, then shot it with the exact same bullet from the exact same angles in all the purported theories, and only the Oswald angle resulted in the ballistic effect as seen in the video/autopsy. Even the backward motion of his head.

Even if you think MythBusters is in on the conspiracy, basic firearms knowledge demonstrates that the exit wound is always much larger than the entry wound from a bullet. JFK's forehead exploding outwards is entirely consistent with a shot fired from behind him. Just because YOU think that his head should fly forward because YOU think YOU have a good understanding of physics does not make it so.

bye now 

nerdonpoker   . Apr 16 2012 21:28. Posts 414

"run from the cure" Talks about hemp oil stunting cancer tumor growth. Interesting documentary.

palak   United States. Apr 16 2012 22:46. Posts 4601

  On April 16 2012 15:32 PoorUser wrote:
Show nested quote +

you are expecting him to provide tangible evidence of his extraordinary claims that are independently verifiable? lololol have you not read any of his posts ever

1) huge claim
2) walls of text claiming that there are troves of sources that any one can find through research backing his claim while providing none ever
3) people do said research and find massively dissenting opinions
4) dss claims everyone is an idiot and still provides no factual independent evidence

repeat steps 3 and 4 over and over until thread dies

honestly have been baffled how it doesn't earn him at least a temp ban

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 17 2012 01:53. Posts 4742

A smart guy on lp once said, the whole collective group is only as smart as it's most stupid individual. Let's not be douchebags, and rather help a brother out.

I found thiz for you m8

It's a good read xD (In all seriousness, it's a good read lol)

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 17 2012 04:52. Posts 688

  On April 16 2012 16:52 Bejamin1 wrote:
Roflmao DSS that's the worst evidence you could possibly come up with. You clearly don't understand the placebo effect at all. People can take sugar pills and then think that's what made them better. It literally happens all the time in medical trials. Maybe what you should do is research how people like yourself form conspiracy theories in the first place.

Yeah, man - a golf ball-sized tumour in a child has a 0% success rate with chemo and radiation after 5 years (everyone dies in 5 years after treatment). 25-50% cure rate proven 6 times in court might be some kind of a proof on LP? NOT! It's the fucking placebo obviously. Oh, and remind me to blast your head with a sniper rifle in the back and expect you bounce backwards. LOL seriously, how can anyone be fooled that such huge force in the back can result in backwards motion. You guys watch all kinds of retarded fights on TV. Have you seen anyone getting hit hard on the right side of the face and his head moving right? My cat knows this better than some of you, how can we even argue about something so simple and basic in physics?!?

And to the guy who mentioned Hemp Oil - hell yeah man, that's two of the most important words you can tell anyone - Hemp Oil. If anyone has some degenerative desease, they should DEFINITELY try it. Some dispensaries sell it so it's easy to obtain. Hemp oil was in almost every medicine back in the days. You can find little glass bottles from hundreds of years ago that say "Cannabis Oil" or "Hemp oil".

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 17 2012 08:22. Posts 3292

Man so much D_smart hate.

1. Some people were going to die regardless of having Chemo or not. Took alternative path and ended up living, that seems pretty +EV to me.

2. FDA tries to shut him down over and over and over, pretty much just financial warfare hoping he well give in.

3. Grand jury rules in favor of burzynski over FOUR times....clearly they have some financial interest in shutting him down, why spend 60 million dollars trying to stop someone from doing something that has no negative side effects, isn't the purpose of the FDA to protect US citizens from harm?

4. People give BILLIONS to churches and religious bullshit and no one bats an eye, even if his drug is a partial scam (which it doesn't seem to be) who cares? these people are making very well informed decisions, cancer treatment is not something you simply jump into.

5. Clearly all government organizations are influenced by outside sources and incredibly corrupt, as time pass's the problem simply worsens. This fact is pretty clear, do you even know why we have been at war for the past 11 years? I mean really wtf are we doing in iraq/afghanistan.

6. Why would you undergo a cancer treatment that's 20 years old and only has a very small chance of allowing you to live a few more years at extreme cost to your health and quality of life. Personally id instantly be looking for an alternative.

7. Considering it only has a success rate of 30% that means 70% of people are going to feel scammed/ripped off/fucked.

It could be complete bullshit who knows, but if the video is truthful id definitely take their treatment over chemo if I was going to die regardless. Also the fact that the FDA spent 60 million $ to shut one guy down speaks for itself. There is simply no way that could happen if there was no merit to his treatment and some plan to take it over, it just makes no logical sense. To me that's the biggest tell, If some government organization, heavily influenced by a 50 billion dollar industry is trying to shut down possible competition repeatedly over the course of twenty years and fail repeatedly, I instantly give this alternative treatment much more credit.

 Last edit: 17/04/2012 08:26

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 17 2012 08:33. Posts 3292

Chemotherapy costs around 30,000$ and has increased in price substantially over the past 15 year. Why exactly is a treatment that's over 50 years old still so expensive?

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 17 2012 08:44. Posts 3292

Id be willing to bet 95% of the people bashing on D_smart didn't even watch the entire video. They simply want to argue without putting in much effort. This inherently makes their arguments far less credible.

palak   United States. Apr 17 2012 08:52. Posts 4601
Cliffs: Burzynski is using a drug that has been tested since 1959 and is avialable through 2 different pharm companies as a generic. Results in multiple indepent trials show little-no effectiveness for almost all but 1 type of cancer. Burzynski uses bad science methodology in order to claim unrepeatable trials. Peddles his drug and therapy to uninformed people.

  On April 17 2012 07:33 DaEm0niCuS wrote:
Chemotherapy costs around 30,000$ and has increased in price substantially over the past 15 year. Why exactly is a treatment that's over 50 years old still so expensive?

Because the drugs and methods have changed drastically and been improved. Chemotherapy is a blanket term for many different drugs. Your statement is like saying "Why is surgery so expensive? Its been around for thousands of years."

  On April 17 2012 07:44 DaEm0niCuS wrote:
Id be willing to bet 95% of the people bashing on D_smart didn't even watch the entire video. They simply want to argue without putting in much effort. This inherently makes their arguments far less credible.

Im willing to bet you havnt taken a single graduate level medical or biology course.

Would do more cept have work.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 17/04/2012 08:54

2c0ntent   Egypt. Apr 17 2012 11:36. Posts 1387

  On April 17 2012 07:22 DaEm0niCuS wrote:

7. Considering it only has a success rate of 30% that means 70% of people are going to feel scammed/ripped off/fucked.

Ok not trying to hate but lol, not exactly bro, it means 70% of the people who go to that quack doctor straight up fucking die whereas a portion of them likely would have lived with proper modern treatment.


DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 17 2012 11:54. Posts 3292

  On April 17 2012 10:36 2c0ntent wrote:
Show nested quote +

Ok not trying to hate but lol, not exactly bro, it means 70% of the people who go to that quack doctor straight up fucking die whereas a portion of them likely would have lived with proper modern treatment.

Clearly you didn't watch the video, the patients he was treating had brain tumors with a mortality rate of like 90% and the remaining 10% wouldn't even live > 5 years after chemo, the chemo also has an insane amount of horrible side effects including ending up a vegetable that could never leave the house in many cases. His treatment on the other hand had no side effects and the patients who were cured, were cured for > 5 years/forever.

Basically his success rate was twice as high as modern treatment, there were no side effects and the modern treatment patients who were "success's" often ended up dying within 5 years any ways. So unless his statistics are completely fabricated, it would be an extremely clear choice.

 Last edit: 17/04/2012 12:05


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