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Cancer Cure Documentary

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D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 10:16. Posts 688
The following documentary talks about Antineoplastins and how they can have a very good cure rate in brain tumours which are one of the most fatal. These pills are synthesized aminoacids and other stuff and the guy who introduced them to the market has been put on trial by the FDA 6 times and found innocent all 6 times. The paradox is that the FDA has approved him already lol. The documentary is extremely well made and researched and they show moments of the court cases, interviews, the science involved, documented cases. They even show many of the patients giving testimonies in court. And even though there is a huge amount of documents and proof in this documentary, it's not a slow one, it's very well directed and a masterpiece. It really shows how corrupted FDA is and what the medical establishment is all about. After all, 50 billions profit per year from the cancer industry is too much to give away. If you want proof - watch it and tell me what you think. The beginning is very powerful. A father who had a babygirl with a braintumor put her on chemo and radiation and after that had to put gloves when changing her diapers because the urine was extremely toxic and radioactive. Then they found this guy's cure. Sick shit, watch it!

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Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 16/04/2012 10:22

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 11:33. Posts 3521

The Village Voice commented that the movie "violates every basic rule of ethical filmmaking" and that by interviewing only Burzynski's supporters, the film’s producer "is either unusually credulous, or doesn't understand the difference between a documentary and an advertisement".[23] Variety described the film as having the qualities of a "paranoid conspiracy theory" and likened it to the National Enquirer, adding that the film’s explanatory diagrams are "simplistic to the point of idiocy". The review concluded that "despite its infotainment look, Burzynski ultimately proves convincing."24] Prior to the debut of "Burzynski", Houston Press correspondent Cory Malisow reviewed the pre-release press kit and, after being refused an interview with Merola, mocked the film’s lack of objectivity, calling it "a puff-piece paean that cherrypicks facts and ignores any criticism", and criticized it for presenting only Burzynski's side of the story.[25]

And treatments are around 200 000£? that's not cheap. Stop being a sheep and doing free advertisment for scamers.

Look at the dudes website?
Looks like bunch of nigerian kids did that asap in 5h.

Lol d smart s. Smarten up.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 16/04/2012 11:34

TheTrees   United States. Apr 16 2012 12:16. Posts 1592

  On April 16 2012 10:33 uiCk wrote:
The Village Voice commented that the movie "violates every basic rule of ethical filmmaking" and that by interviewing only Burzynski's supporters, the film’s producer "is either unusually credulous, or doesn't understand the difference between a documentary and an advertisement".[23] Variety described the film as having the qualities of a "paranoid conspiracy theory" and likened it to the National Enquirer, adding that the film’s explanatory diagrams are "simplistic to the point of idiocy". The review concluded that "despite its infotainment look, Burzynski ultimately proves convincing."24] Prior to the debut of "Burzynski", Houston Press correspondent Cory Malisow reviewed the pre-release press kit and, after being refused an interview with Merola, mocked the film’s lack of objectivity, calling it "a puff-piece paean that cherrypicks facts and ignores any criticism", and criticized it for presenting only Burzynski's side of the story.[25]

And treatments are around 200 000£? that's not cheap. Stop being a sheep and doing free advertisment for scamers.

Look at the dudes website?
Looks like bunch of nigerian kids did that asap in 5h.

Lol d smart s. Smarten up.

It is very much not a scam. The reason why it is that expensive is because of all the costs associated with the treatment. Even conventional forms of treatment are extremely, extremely expensive.

Also, the main issue is that this treatment has passed the first two levels of FDA testing, but since the FDA and the big pharm companies are so corrupt, it is next to impossible for companies to reach the last level of FDA testing without the support of a big pharm company. The worst part about all of this is that after being denied by every single big pharm company, the companies have since developed similar treatments that have passed FDA approval. They however lack the effectiveness of this doctor's treament.

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 12:34. Posts 3521


all i seem to find are articles like "Cancer Patient Says Doc Used Her as ATM" and such.

and stuff like
"A 1999 trial of antineoplastons for malignant glioma found no evidence of tumor responses or efficacy, and all nine patients died before the study closed, all but one death being due to tumor progression.[9][18]"

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 16/04/2012 12:39

Carthac   United States. Apr 16 2012 12:48. Posts 1343

  On April 16 2012 11:16 TheTrees wrote:
Show nested quote +

It is very much not a scam. The reason why it is that expensive is because of all the costs associated with the treatment. Even conventional forms of treatment are extremely, extremely expensive.

Also, the main issue is that this treatment has passed the first two levels of FDA testing, but since the FDA and the big pharm companies are so corrupt, it is next to impossible for companies to reach the last level of FDA testing without the support of a big pharm company. The worst part about all of this is that after being denied by every single big pharm company, the companies have since developed similar treatments that have passed FDA approval. They however lack the effectiveness of this doctor's treament.

The FDA is not going to put down a cancer cure because it may take away from the "cancer" industry you might call it. Information is too free flowing today. The reason it has been denied is it does not show evidence that it significantly helps more than a placebo. Many other cancer treatments that claim to be cures often point at a small amount of cases where cancer goes in remission. The patients have almost all done normal treatment before, switched to the new treatment, then give all the credit to the new treatment for the cure. If you are looking to see if this is a scam, look at any other source of information on the treatment besides the documentary.

There is no convincing evidence from randomized controlled trials in the scientific literature that antineoplastons are useful treatments of cancer, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved these products for the treatment of any disease.[1] The American Cancer Society has stated since 1983 that there is no evidence that antineoplastons have any beneficial effects in cancer and recommended that people do not buy these products since there could be serious health consequences to patients who use this therapy.[2][3] A 2004 medical review described antioneoplaston treatment as a "disproven therapy".[4] Oncologists have described Burzynski's research on antineoplastons as "flawed" and "scientific nonsense",[5] and independent scientists have been unable to reproduce the positive results reported in Burzynski's studies.[6]

 Last edit: 16/04/2012 12:50

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 13:08. Posts 3521

Kind of irnoic also, that they have this Julian Whitaker in the movie, which talks about how the FDA is corrupted and lobbied by big pharma, and then you go to Julian Whitaker's wiki and read: "The Los Angeles Times notes that Whitaker serves as a consultant to vitamin companies advertised on his website" which is main product he sells.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 13:15. Posts 688

it is very smart from Carthac and Weak to quote the thesis of the FDA and the government when it was proved many times in court that this exact same thesis is wrong and doesn't have any sufficient evidence that the Burzynski's treatment does not work. This is all in the court statement document showed in the video. Just watch the movie and think for yourself, it's much easier to quote someone else's opinion and defend it when u really don't know the facts. There were government experiments with these treatments that show no success because it was conducted with 3 times lower dosage and on too advanced tumours. These experiments were conducted without Burzynski's content and later found to not even use the same pills. This is the exact same trick they always do to prove the unefficacy of a cure or treatment.

For example, the study which lead to the `Reefer Madness - Marijuana Kills You Propaganda` Era was conducted by putting masks on rats and giving them enormous amounts of marijuana vapor. However, during that time, they didn't have any oxygen so they suffocated but the study concluded - marijuana killed them. And so it began and today it's still illegal due to propaganda and retarded government/pharma paid studies. It took 6 years for the government to release the documented scientific method used there and clearly shows the flawed conclusion. But who do you think read that little article on the last page of the newspaper that basically stated that the government lied to you like a gipsy.

Carthac says that information flows very freely today but you just prove how propaganda can be effective even when you have internet and free information. You googled a few words and copy-pasted what you saw on a government site. That's how shallow misinformation is. When you dig a little deeper and see what a real investigation revealed, you can see all the bullshit. But they know that most people do as Weak and Carthac did so they don't care much to deepen their misinformation. Most people read the headlines and form opinions. At the very best they read an article on a mainstream website. They don't care about catching all the fish. 90% is still great. Don't quote different opinions, form your own!

Edit: dude, cmon quoting wikipedia is the least amount of proof you can give me. Especially when it's about a "against the government" topic. Are you palak's brother or smthg? "I am too dumb to have an opinion so whatever wikipedia says that's what I think yeeey"... duh

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 16/04/2012 13:22

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 13:31. Posts 3521

Yea stop using Wiki, gotta get down to Bulgarian level of intelligence and quote movies and youtube videos.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Carthac   United States. Apr 16 2012 13:36. Posts 1343

  On April 16 2012 12:15 D_smart_S wrote:
it is very smart from Carthac and Weak to quote the thesis of the FDA and the government when it was proved many times in court that this exact same thesis is wrong and doesn't have any sufficient evidence that the Burzynski's treatment does not work. This is all in the court statement document showed in the video. Just watch the movie and think for yourself, it's much easier to quote someone else's opinion and defend it when u really don't know the facts. There were government experiments with these treatments that show no success because it was conducted with 3 times lower dosage and on too advanced tumours. These experiments were conducted without Burzynski's content and later found to not even use the same pills. This is the exact same trick they always do to prove the unefficacy of a cure or treatment.

For example, the study which lead to the `Reefer Madness - Marijuana Kills You Propaganda` Era was conducted by putting masks on rats and giving them enormous amounts of marijuana vapor. However, during that time, they didn't have any oxygen so they suffocated but the study concluded - marijuana killed them. And so it began and today it's still illegal due to propaganda and retarded government/pharma paid studies. It took 6 years for the government to release the documented scientific method used there and clearly shows the flawed conclusion. But who do you think read that little article on the last page of the newspaper that basically stated that the government lied to you like a gipsy.

Carthac says that information flows very freely today but you just prove how propaganda can be effective even when you have internet and free information. You googled a few words and copy-pasted what you saw on a government site. That's how shallow misinformation is. When you dig a little deeper and see what a real investigation revealed, you can see all the bullshit. But they know that most people do as Weak and Carthac did so they don't care much to deepen their misinformation. Most people read the headlines and form opinions. At the very best they read an article on a mainstream website. They don't care about catching all the fish. 90% is still great. Don't quote different opinions, form your own!

Edit: dude, cmon quoting wikipedia is the least amount of proof you can give me. Especially when it's about a "against the government" topic. Are you palak's brother or smthg? "I am too dumb to have an opinion so whatever wikipedia says that's what I think yeeey"... duh

My post took all of 2 minutes to write. Sorry, but I don't care enough to correct your opinion because, most likely, it would not change any way if the full amount of evidence was staring you right in the face. You believe what you believe despite what the breadth of evidence says because of this idea of information policing and control. I bet you also believe 9/11 was an inside job, the earth was created 5000 years ago, Lee Harvey Oswalt was not alone in murdering JFK, The Loch Ness monster is a complete cover up, etc. etc etc.

How about you look up the Gerson Miracle? That has been proven to cure cancer by its institute.

Oh wait, that was disproven too through decades of independent research. However, the institute keeps going just because they are the one true cure right? They arent making immense profits from it or anything right?

Oh but wait, I heard of this other one by Dr. Simoncini using sodium bicarbonate to cure cancer. He is the real one because he has a youtube video about it

Oh wait, he has his medical license stripped from him when he persuaded a woman with breast cancer to not seek normal cancer treatment. Oh, she died three days later under his care....

Nobody around here needs your utter trash information you blindly believe in in the face of all other evidence. There is no sufficient scientific evidence your claims are true. Accept it, and move on already. Get back to your cryptozoology videos on youtube and believing in Bigfoot, at least that does not hurt anybody.

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 13:39. Posts 3521

+1 Carthac

Fighting the spread of stupidity, one step a time

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 13:53. Posts 688

lol very good mix bro. I don't know why you put "earth is 5000 years ago" among conspiracy theories. I don't know a person who would believe such crap. I mean, even religious people don't believe that, right? I urge you however to not just take someone else's opinion as yours because of your lack of interest. Your whole post is very informative for me to know how shallow your research has been. You basically quote all the government propaganda. And who the hell believes that a guy standing many meters behind Kennedy's car can shoot him in the front part of the skull and make his head move backwards. Oh, and that bullet not only made a 180 degrees turn but also hit the car and the wrist of one of the passangers. That's one hell of a bullet. There was also a hole in the front of the car. I watched a documentary on discovery or some mainstream channel and they showed a video of the pressconference of the doctor but they didn't show the last few seconds where he shows that the autopsy has concluded a shot in the front part of the skull. This was so lol. I lated watched another documentary and they gave the whole shot with the doc showing the impact area and i watched them side to side it was so fkn hilarious how obvious the propaganda was. But woah, check it on wikipedia to see if that's true or false, quickly - Is there anything anti-government or anti-corporation on wikipedia? Grow some brain, guys. When I saw Carthac's last post I was like "this guy is American". In other countries you would see many people who just don't know or don't have an opinion on conspiracies, they haven't really heard or read anything. In America - most people have been brainwashed so they have an opinion and it's not even theirs. Shows like Penn and Teller, that old debunker guy with the beard, Michael Shermer - they are all government paid disinfo agents. Penn and Teller are so pathetic they dont even try to look scientific. Their show is like "yo sup guys this is bullshit, that is bullshit, lol fuck this shit, I am a wagon."

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 16/04/2012 14:06

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 14:08. Posts 3521

quick to you tube, heard there are testimonials of people that saw spaceships

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Carthac   United States. Apr 16 2012 14:11. Posts 1343

  On April 16 2012 12:53 D_smart_S wrote:
lol very good mix bro. I don't know why you put "earth is 5000 years ago" among conspiracy theories. I don't know a person who would believe such crap. I mean, even religious people don't believe that, right? I urge you however to not just take someone else's opinion as yours because of your lack of interest. Your whole post is very informative for me to know how shallow your research has been. You basically quote all the government propaganda. And who the hell believes that a guy standing many meters behind Kennedy's car can shoot him in the front part of the skull and make his head move backwards. Oh, and that bullet not only made a 180 degrees turn but also hit the car and the wrist of one of the passangers. That's one hell of a bullet. There was also a hole in the front of the car. I watched a documentary on discovery or some mainstream channel and they showed a video of the pressconference of the doctor but they didn't show the last few seconds where he shows that the autopsy has concluded a shot in the front part of the skull. This was so lol. I lated watched another documentary and they gave the whole shot with the doc showing the impact area and i watched them side to side it was so fkn hilarious how obvious the propaganda was. But woah, check it on wikipedia to see if that's true or false, quickly - Is there anything anti-government or anti-corporation on wikipedia? Grow some brain, guys. When I saw Carthac's last post I was like "this guy is American". In other countries you would see many people who just don't know or don't have an opinion on conspiracies, they haven't really heard or read anything. In America - most people have been brainwashed so they have an opinion and it's not even theirs. Shows like Penn and Teller, that old debunker guy with the beard, Michael Shermer - they are all government paid disinfo agents. Penn and Teller are so pathetic they dont even try to look scientific. Their show is like "yo sup guys this is bullshit, that is bullshit, lol fuck this shit, I am a wagon."

I'm gonna quote this and leave this here so everyone can view the complete and utter stupidity you possess without you editing your post. Wow...just wow....

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 16 2012 14:27. Posts 688

  On April 16 2012 13:08 uiCk wrote:
quick to you tube, heard there are testimonials of people that saw spaceships

so u prefer reading what the government side is rather than actually watching the court case itself? You want proof but you don't think you will find it in the actual court case? You just went full retard. Never go full retard! Oh wait, wait, wait. The moment that court case video was put on film, it became fake. And when it was put on youtube it became faker than Pamela Anderson's boobs. It's just physics, right? I am gonna find a text format of the court case, I am sure it would be much more of a proof than a video. You might wanna check Burzynski's website cause I believe you might have a brain tumour, idiot.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 14:30. Posts 3521

  On April 16 2012 13:27 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

so u prefer reading what the government side is rather than actually watching the court case itself? You want proof but you don't think you will find it in the actual court case? You just went full retard. Never go full retard! Oh wait, wait, wait. The moment that court case video was put on film, it became fake. And when it was put on youtube it became faker than Pamela Anderson's boobs. It's just physics, right? I am gonna find a text format of the court case, I am sure it would be much more of a proof than a video. You might wanna check Burzynski's website cause I believe you might have a brain tumour, idiot.

Yes because there are two sides to every story, us and them! AND THEM

They ???

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 16/04/2012 14:31

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 16 2012 14:30. Posts 4742

  On April 16 2012 11:34 uiCk wrote:

all i seem to find are articles like "Cancer Patient Says Doc Used Her as ATM" and such.

haha, doesn't ATM stand for Ass to mouth lol

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 14:32. Posts 3521

that makes that sentece very more LOL now

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 14:38. Posts 3521

BTW D Smart S, did the GOV also paid someone to remove any information on Michael Shermer wiki relating him to the GOV? or is it some kind of inside scoop among schizophrenics?

Or is Wiki a gov controlled tool, im guessing?

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 16/04/2012 14:40

Carthac   United States. Apr 16 2012 14:46. Posts 1343

  On April 16 2012 13:27 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

so u prefer reading what the government side is rather than actually watching the court case itself? You want proof but you don't think you will find it in the actual court case? You just went full retard. Never go full retard! Oh wait, wait, wait. The moment that court case video was put on film, it became fake. And when it was put on youtube it became faker than Pamela Anderson's boobs. It's just physics, right? I am gonna find a text format of the court case, I am sure it would be much more of a proof than a video. You might wanna check Burzynski's website cause I believe you might have a brain tumour, idiot.

uiCk   Canada. Apr 16 2012 14:58. Posts 3521

i'll throw this out there, maybe it will question some of your decision making and reasons in believing (real question is why do you care so much about some trivial issues that probably do not affect you and your bunker you live in) some of the things.
I would say you have OCD. In this case, OCD affects your belifs. Example would be, that you come across, become aware, of something, that you cannot explain. Your obsession kicks in, and you HAVE to know what the reason behind the event you came aware of, which leads you and specifically your brain, to accept any possible solution that has any kind of reasoning (your OCD doesnt care if its 100%, your OCD only cares that the unknown becomes known)

This is IMHO.

Which you will debunk by telling me that people with mental disorders are actually geniuses hidden away by Gov propaganda.
I've heard your songs, being sang by many people before.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 16/04/2012 14:58


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