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detoxing/diets etc - Page 2

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uiCk   Canada. Apr 23 2012 17:33. Posts 3521

its just a perfect example of how stupidity, even from a so called genius, can lead one to make the wrong choices, in his case it lead to death. Extreme, of course, colon cleansing will not do that, that is not my point.

i don't need to prove the ineffectiveness of something that has yet to prove it has any effectiveness. that is the whole point.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Achoo   Canada. Apr 23 2012 17:34. Posts 1454

There is no such thing as "cleanse", because it means removing something harmful/bad from your body. If you mean you want to eat healthy then I'd recommend avoiding meat, processed food, sugar, everything that is transformed to a large extent by human intervention. I'm not an advocate of harcore diets, those which are based on nuts and seeds, but you can engage in a better and wealthier diet based on vegetables and everything that man hasn't modified too much (whole grain bread, etc ...)

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

R_I   New Zealand. Apr 23 2012 17:48. Posts 682

I started the Paleo diet about a week or 2 ago and I feel pretty good so far. Like other people have mentioned, generally it's pretty much about avoiding processed foods and extra sugar and salt and to eat whole foods and drink lots of water.

Here's a link that keeps it simple and provides a number of steps that you can take to improve your lifestyle:

The further you go in the list, the more effect there should be.

2c0ntent   Egypt. Apr 23 2012 18:04. Posts 1387

I really felt pretty damn good on the paleo diet, but I only lasted for 3 months or so, no idea why I stopped TBH. I like candy I guess.

+-Last edit: 23/04/2012 18:41

GoTuNk   Chile. Apr 23 2012 19:07. Posts 2860

+1 on paleo diet. Constant meat/veggies/some nuts and fruit intake depending on weight goal. (to lose weight, eat fruit once a week, all days to gain weight)

lol @ meat being bad and bread being good.

R_I   New Zealand. Apr 23 2012 19:29. Posts 682

I was on a bodybuilding diet previously and one of the main differences between that and paleo is the avoidance of grains since it turns out that grains might not actually be good for us:

I'm asian tho so gotta have rice sometimes >_> Funnily enough white processed rice is a bit better as the antinutrient stuff has been stripped off the grain...

Funktion   Australia. Apr 23 2012 21:08. Posts 1638

You could watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", it's all about a guy who only drinks juice for a while. I think most people who have mentioned juices haven't actually tried it because they fill you up easily. You can drink it all day and not be hungry just like Joe did in the movie. For example I was doing 2 apples, 4 or so big celery sticks, 2 carrots, about 4 big handfuls of baby spinach, half a cucumber and half a lemon and it fills you up for a long time plus tastes delicious. I tried it too see if having more fruit and vegetables made a difference to my general health (I didn't notice a difference but I already eat very well).

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 24 2012 09:05. Posts 688

  On April 23 2012 16:34 Achoo wrote:
There is no such thing as "cleanse", because it means removing something harmful/bad from your body.

So you mean there is nothing harmful/bad in our bodies right now? You mean all the pollution we live in, industrial gases, tap water impurities, fluoride comes in our body and is turned into good nutrients instantly? Makes no sense. If there weren't plenty of harmful stuff in our bodies all the time, we wouldn't have degenerative illnesses.

On a side note, I've had some awful infection in my throat the past 4 months and nothing really helps. Doctors have found some things but they don't know what's causing all that or how to deal with it. It's taking some of the joy from my life so it's sucks ass. Modern medicine just can't help me so I gotta find an alternative that works. So far, I haven't. Or better said, I have found but I can't get a hold of it to try it. Life sux sometimes. If anyone has heard of anything amazing for throat infections just spew it out I will research it, I am fucking desperate. It's like some phantom illness is causing all this. It all started when I drank a cup of tap water from a friend's house. I instantly felt it had a nasty metallic taste that dried out my mouth. Fucking tap water!

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 24/04/2012 09:08

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 24 2012 09:21. Posts 688

  On April 23 2012 18:07 GoTuNk wrote:
lol @ meat being bad and bread being good.

You can't say meat is good, man. Fish meat can be very good for the body. All other kinds of meat have a good number of bad stuff that outweighs the good stuff in it. Also, animal protein is not very bioavailable for humans.

If it's a wholegrain bread, then it's fine cause you are eating the whole grains and they have good nutrients. However, white bread is like cardboard when it comes to nutrients. Just think of it like this - our bodies are like engines. You can put easily absorbable fresh, high quality fuel - vegetables, fruits, fish meat, etc. or you can put hardcore difficult to degrade and absorb fuel like meat, white bread, fried stuff, etc. A good test is checking the time you will get hungry again after eating a meal. If you eat some apples and get your stomach full, you will get hungry much faster again compared to if you had eaten meat. Meat is fucking hard stuff ya know. The human body is meant to be fed with plants. Of course, you can put cooking oil in your car and it will still move but the consequences are clear for everyone. Same with humans and meat. The HCL in your stomach needs much more time to dissolve it and the good nutrients would be much less than compared to veggies for example. Now of course, if you need to build a strong body for say mountain climbing or weight-lifting meat would be a good choice but strictly for health meat is not good. I love eating meat though lol .

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 24/04/2012 09:24

palak   United States. Apr 24 2012 11:07. Posts 4601

  I've had some awful infection in my throat the past 4 months and nothing really helps. Doctors have found some things but they don't know what's causing all that or how to deal with it

Either your doctors are really bad at their job, or u r not allowing proper testing for a diagnosis.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

uiCk   Canada. Apr 24 2012 11:40. Posts 3521

  On April 24 2012 10:07 palak wrote:
Show nested quote +

Either your doctors are really bad at their job, or u r not allowing proper testing for a diagnosis.

given he's from Bulgaria, i'll say both

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 24 2012 12:53. Posts 688

yeah, they are like "we want to test your blood" and I am like "fuck you bitches". Makes sense if you are a retard.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

palak   United States. Apr 24 2012 13:09. Posts 4601

Not sure if u r calling drs asking for a blood test retarded, or that refusing to allow drs to test ur blood is retarded

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 24 2012 13:32. Posts 688

...that's what a retard would say.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

palak   United States. Apr 24 2012 13:41. Posts 4601

Well then u have shitty doctors

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

GoTuNk   Chile. Apr 24 2012 14:39. Posts 2860

  On April 24 2012 08:21 D_smart_S wrote:
Show nested quote +

You can't say meat is good, man. Fish meat can be very good for the body. All other kinds of meat have a good number of bad stuff that outweighs the good stuff in it. Also, animal protein is not very bioavailable for humans.

If it's a wholegrain bread, then it's fine cause you are eating the whole grains and they have good nutrients. However, white bread is like cardboard when it comes to nutrients. Just think of it like this - our bodies are like engines. You can put easily absorbable fresh, high quality fuel - vegetables, fruits, fish meat, etc. or you can put hardcore difficult to degrade and absorb fuel like meat, white bread, fried stuff, etc. A good test is checking the time you will get hungry again after eating a meal. If you eat some apples and get your stomach full, you will get hungry much faster again compared to if you had eaten meat. Meat is fucking hard stuff ya know. The human body is meant to be fed with plants. Of course, you can put cooking oil in your car and it will still move but the consequences are clear for everyone. Same with humans and meat. The HCL in your stomach needs much more time to dissolve it and the good nutrients would be much less than compared to veggies for example. Now of course, if you need to build a strong body for say mountain climbing or weight-lifting meat would be a good choice but strictly for health meat is not good. I love eating meat though lol .

It is impossible to be healthy as a vegan without consuming many supplements. It is true some/most meat is made with grain fed animals (which makes it worse, because of the grain) but whole grass fed meat is among the most complete and best nutrional resources available.
Speed of absorption correlated with food quality is retarded. Under your argument we should eat paper cause we poop it instantly, (or sugar because it is absorbed the fastest) and lions are actually vegans cause they take 12-18 hours to digest their meals.
You don't actually think we should eat raw sugar as our energy source because it digests faster than anything else right?
All grains have lots of nasty shit that is bad for you. Some people can get away with eating anything, but most people are sluggish and fat because of overeating grains and they aren't even aware.
Not to mention its borderline impossible being a competitive athlete without eating meat, guess why.

PD: I know the proper way to debate is to post a bunch of links with science, which I'll do if there is any interest in continuing this .

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 24 2012 17:07. Posts 688

well yeah people who need great muscle strenth need meat like athletes, I already said that. About the speed of absorption I didn't mean it's the only factor, it's just a good indicator of how well the body deals with certain foods. Also, meat sometimes starts fermenting in the body esp when mixed with some other foods and overeating. Plant protein is much better than animal protein, you can ask any nutrionist. Nuts and grains and other seeds are generally very good because they have all the ingredients of the grown up plant. Sugar is not good of course, don't put words in my mouth .

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speechLast edit: 24/04/2012 17:19

GoTuNk   Chile. Apr 24 2012 17:35. Posts 2860

  On April 24 2012 16:07 D_smart_S wrote:
well yeah people who need great muscle strenth need meat like athletes, I already said that. About the speed of absorption I didn't mean it's the only factor, it's just a good indicator of how well the body deals with certain foods. Also, meat sometimes starts fermenting in the body esp when mixed with some other foods and overeating. Plant protein is much better than animal protein, you can ask any nutrionist. Nuts and grains and other seeds are generally very good because they have all the ingredients of the grown up plant. Sugar is not good of course, don't put words in my mouth .

U don't think regular people should have strong muscles? oo

D_smart_S   Bulgaria. Apr 25 2012 03:11. Posts 688

"great muscle strenth" not "muscle strength". Everyone needs muscle strength but the average Joe needs it just for normal and healthy life. If you need to compete against others, health is not your aim, but competition. Professional sport isn't always the most healthy way of life, it pushes the body to its limit for 10-15 years which is a lot. I think that was clear from my previous post. I actually sensed someone would ask the thing you just asked, I feel like some people here are taking things out of context and changing the meaning of what is said very often.

Zep: When I said I feel obligated to troll, it was a figure of speech 

okyougosu   Russian Federation. Apr 25 2012 09:26. Posts 963

I once was feeling sick sick and had 10 days long liver- and kidneys- cleaning course. You are not allowed to eat during the course, its tough and annoying as hell to go through, you drink oil and some other terrible-tasting substances, then you crap and vomit on day 3-4 with some green shit and feel terrible overall. However I felt much better after finishing it, my illness totally went away, my vodka drinking abilites went to alot higher levels then ever before without any hangovers.



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