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funny party story // more hands from 10k challenge - Page 2

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dnagardi   Hungary. Aug 14 2012 16:51. Posts 1776

playing drunk + xanax all the time wtf man
do you realise how bad that is to your mind and body?
(the idea that you have to take tranquilizer to play poker is just absolutely ridicolus)

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 14 2012 17:16. Posts 1897

  On August 14 2012 15:51 dnagardi wrote:
playing drunk + xanax all the time wtf man
do you realise how bad that is to your mind and body?
(the idea that you have to take tranquilizer to play poker is just absolutely ridicolus)

never said i had to.

said i liked to.

apparently im doing something right tho.

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 14 2012 19:31. Posts 4946

What percentage of your income comes from Merge? By income I mean liquid, shit that you're actually cashing out. Do you think you can make a living playing on Merge alone? Or do delays and payment caps require you to supplement with live play too?

bye now 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 14 2012 19:33. Posts 8648

i know you think i only respond to your posts to troll you but how can destroying your health be considered "doing something right"? i mean, do you care about stuff besides accumulating money?

Truck-Crash Life 

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 14 2012 20:40. Posts 1897

  On August 14 2012 18:31 NewbSaibot wrote:
What percentage of your income comes from Merge? By income I mean liquid, shit that you're actually cashing out. Do you think you can make a living playing on Merge alone? Or do delays and payment caps require you to supplement with live play too?

if i played 200nl on merge yeah i guess i could make an okay living, would be rough though. games arent rly soft and don't run that often, itd be tough.

right now very little of anything i earn is coming from merge. only what i've won from zach really, but its not like i can cash that out. 2/4 hardly runs, 5/10 is super infrequent.... merge isnt good right now.

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 14 2012 20:50. Posts 1897

  On August 14 2012 18:33 bigredhoss wrote:
i know you think i only respond to your posts to troll you but how can destroying your health be considered "doing something right"? i mean, do you care about stuff besides accumulating money?

when i said i am doing something right, i meant as far as doing really well in poker. particularly as of late. i don't really care that much about accumulating money either ... if i did i'd have a lot more of it.

we probably view and experience the world in very different ways. personally, i just don't enjoy doing a lot of the things that most "normal" people enjoy. in general i am pretty miserable a lot of the time (when im not on something). i know im doing damage to my body and that it's not healthy to do what im doing, but its just worth it to me to stop any pain im feeling now than to worry about having a healthy body down the line... like .. if u dont enjoy the time that u have, would it make sense to u to prolong that suffering in order to endure more of it? or would u take the easy way out like i do?

 Last edit: 14/08/2012 20:52

Smuft   Canada. Aug 14 2012 22:12. Posts 633

  On August 14 2012 19:50 MARSHALL28 wrote:
i know im doing damage to my body and that it's not healthy to do what im doing, but its just worth it to me to stop any pain im feeling now than to worry about having a healthy body down the line... like .. if u dont enjoy the time that u have, would it make sense to u to prolong that suffering in order to endure more of it? or would u take the easy way out like i do?

This is a reallllly fucked up rationalization that you should spend some time thinking about alone. I mean do you have that horrible of a regard for yourself that you're willing to muck your future self for your current self?


That being said I think there is a lot to be said for playing under the influence of something occasionally. Think about you when you are playing your A++ game and are completely in the zone; you aren't making that many overly thought out conscious decisions compared to just letting things flow where your sub-conscious does most of the work. Sometimes being high or drunk removes that barrier of inhibitions allowing your subconscious to take over and do more of the work. I know that's the case for me and that's probably what Marshall is making reference to when he says "i play more fearlessly".

Obviously if you're doing this everyday or even more than a couple times a month then you probably need to make some changes / may need professional help.

devon06atX   Canada. Aug 14 2012 22:25. Posts 5459

  On August 14 2012 09:40 nicksson wrote:
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this. what a disappointing entry

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 14 2012 23:40. Posts 8648

  On August 14 2012 19:50 MARSHALL28 wrote:
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when i said i am doing something right, i meant as far as doing really well in poker. particularly as of late. i don't really care that much about accumulating money either ... if i did i'd have a lot more of it.

we probably view and experience the world in very different ways. personally, i just don't enjoy doing a lot of the things that most "normal" people enjoy. in general i am pretty miserable a lot of the time (when im not on something). i know im doing damage to my body and that it's not healthy to do what im doing, but its just worth it to me to stop any pain im feeling now than to worry about having a healthy body down the line... like .. if u dont enjoy the time that u have, would it make sense to u to prolong that suffering in order to endure more of it? or would u take the easy way out like i do?

i suppose it's pretty hard for me to comment on that without knowing you personally, but i def agree with smuft. it wouldn't make sense to prolong suffering just to endure more of it if that was the only alternative to damaging your health but that seems like a false dichotomy.

maybe that really is that case, it is possible, but it seems like most people who think like this don't really exhaust all their options. again i have to speak vaguely because a) i'm not a psychologist and b) i don't know you, but there's so many holistic changes you can make to improve your quality of life. obv exercise/nutrition/sleep are huge, maybe try meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy (if it applies to whatever makes you miserable when you're not on drugs), etc.

i don't have any experience with most of these things, maybe you've already tried some, i'm just saying i'd go pretty far down my line of options before i resigned myself to choosing between suffering and wrecking my health.

Truck-Crash Life 

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 15 2012 00:36. Posts 1897

well it's like you said, you don't know me. if i was not a very thought-ful person and one who didn't really ever contemplate one's life, i definitely could see why you would come to the conclusion that the situation appears to be a false dichotomy. i think itd be pretty hard to deny that im just a pretty intelligent person and wouldn't just randomly choose to do significant harm to my body without a damn good reason. obviously also suicide is an option and i haven't taken it, so it means i do feel i have something to live for... the thing is....i've exhausted most of the options you suggested. ive attempted to change multiple times going completely sober for months. every time i do it i am absolutely miserable.

ive done yoga and meditation (tommy angelo taught me), i've done the whole 'go to the gym 6 days a week for 6 months' type thing. most ppl come away from that and say "after going for so many days in a row my body just craves the exercise". mine just DOESNT. i had to force myself every goddamn time to get up and go do it. i lost a lot of weight, but the process didn't make me happy. i've been to maybe 10 different therapists, they all are extremely interested in me since i seem to be such a freak, but i haven't really felt any of them ever helped me.

i eat about as healthy as i can ... i have a serious issue with ibs and there are so many foods/drinks i just can't consume because i get incredibly sick. it's made it so that i really am afraid to try anything new because of how physically painful it is when i eat or drink something that my digestive system can't process.

like you said multiple times, and you are right, you don't know me and you don't have experience with these things. ive tried a myriad of options as far as im concerned what i'm doing is the best thing for me at this moment.

i've definitely slowed down from when i was younger and i have become significantly more mature than i was then, but that doesn't mean that these other things in my life just disappear. maybe they will as i continue to age. if it means i can live a happier life then i'm all for living longer, but if that's just not in the cards for me, i believe i would be a fool to go about it doing things that clearly don't make me happy even tho the majority of people tell me "you are doing it wrong, you are being unhealthy, all you have to do is X Y and Z and everything will be better". ... honestly it's insulting to me that people who dont even know me would presume they know the best way to live my life. a lot of people judge me for that... i could not be open about it and i could just keep it to myself, but at the core i actually (gasp!) am a pretty good person. honesty is at the very top of my list as far as most important virtues regarding quality of one's character. i guess it seems like cuz i do this stuff and i keep it real, people assume im this bad guy that just is reckless and doesn't care about himself or others which is the exact opposite of the truth.

i'm not destructive towards anyone else and my relationship with drugs doesn't affect any of my personal relationships. most of the time (~80%) people don't even know im not sober because i handle the stuff so well, they don't interact with my body in the same way they do with other people, sober is normal for you, being drunk or high is just normal for me.

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 15 2012 00:45. Posts 1897

  On August 14 2012 21:12 Smuft wrote:
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This is a reallllly fucked up rationalization that you should spend some time thinking about alone. I mean do you have that horrible of a regard for yourself that you're willing to muck your future self for your current self?


That being said I think there is a lot to be said for playing under the influence of something occasionally. Think about you when you are playing your A++ game and are completely in the zone; you aren't making that many overly thought out conscious decisions compared to just letting things flow where your sub-conscious does most of the work. Sometimes being high or drunk removes that barrier of inhibitions allowing your subconscious to take over and do more of the work. I know that's the case for me and that's probably what Marshall is making reference to when he says "i play more fearlessly".

Obviously if you're doing this everyday or even more than a couple times a month then you probably need to make some changes / may need professional help.

yeah but as i explained in the previous post, i don't consider it a rationalization. you aren't communicating with an idiot. a lot of people have wasted their lives sitting at desks so that they could retire at 65 and relax --- an age at which they are least able to take advantage of the freedom that retirement provides. that seems like a far less healthy way to live a life (i use healthy in the sense of like, making the best decisions to maximize the enjoyment of your life--you can live a healthy lifestyle but if the fundamental reasons you chose to live your life that way lead you to be pretty miserable for most of it, i would say it's you that is the unhealthy or unrealistic one--and not talking to you specifically, just talking about people in general since many many many of them make that choice and i have purposefully chosen to live my life the exact opposite due to my specific individual circumstances.

it's not like i just randomly act without thinking. all my decisions are conscious choices.


i completely agree w/ your analysis regarding why i claim to "play more fearlessly" when my subconscious takes over my decision making though. don't think i could have explained that any better myself.

 Last edit: 15/08/2012 00:48

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 15 2012 02:11. Posts 8648

you shouldn't take it as an insult to your intelligence fwiw, there are plenty of otherwise intelligent people who are/were shockingly clueless about health and lifestyle stuff for whatever reason, even though learning about those things does seem like a pretty obvious step for someone who's unhappy. not to sound all do-goody or whatever, but if someone has issues and there's even a small chance that i can say something that leads to them taking a more positive direction with their lives, and the only risk is possibly insulting their intelligence, it just seems like a no-brainer to me (even if it's someone i don't like that much ). anyways, gl.

Truck-Crash Life 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Aug 15 2012 02:32. Posts 14026

  On August 14 2012 14:58 MARSHALL28 wrote:
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i thought it came off kinda douche-y after i wrote it so yeah.

Yeh i dont think anyone came here expecting anything less than a douchey story.

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 15 2012 03:11. Posts 1897

  On August 15 2012 01:11 bigredhoss wrote:
you shouldn't take it as an insult to your intelligence fwiw, there are plenty of otherwise intelligent people who are/were shockingly clueless about health and lifestyle stuff for whatever reason, even though learning about those things does seem like a pretty obvious step for someone who's unhappy. not to sound all do-goody or whatever, but if someone has issues and there's even a small chance that i can say something that leads to them taking a more positive direction with their lives, and the only risk is possibly insulting their intelligence, it just seems like a no-brainer to me (even if it's someone i don't like that much ). anyways, gl.

see dude this is exactly my point ... u launch into this nonsense about "even learning about those things does seem like a pretty obvious step for someone who's unhappy" ... its like you just assume that you know whats best for me, or for anybody. this is the type of attitude you have towards other people who live a life different from yours. you are super naive to the world dude and you really don't know shit. what's worse is that you believe so blindly in these convictions that you end up coming off like a huge pompous ass. this is why i never liked your posts before and i considered you a troll. this was the first time you asked me a genuine question and i give you a super honest and personal answer and this is how you respond.... i think im not the one who needs to learn some life lessons here dude.

spets1   Australia. Aug 15 2012 03:16. Posts 2179


Im getting this from my memory which isnt optimal but thats how i think it went down.

Some chick was with him, but she wanted to sleep and passed out while he wanted to keep going.

So he went upstairs to party with some neighbors and to make heaps of noise to wake her up.

She looked a bit pissed.

He then talked to other girls at the party

and so did she to make each other jealous
Then he was chatting to this other chick whole night and morning and when she wanted to sleep with him he declined not remembering who she was cos of the drugs.

The next morning(whenever they woke up) she explained to him what happened so they having dates n shit.


holaLast edit: 15/08/2012 03:17

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 15 2012 03:51. Posts 8648

  On August 15 2012 02:11 MARSHALL28 wrote:
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see dude this is exactly my point ... u launch into this nonsense about "even learning about those things does seem like a pretty obvious step for someone who's unhappy" ... its like you just assume that you know whats best for me, or for anybody. this is the type of attitude you have towards other people who live a life different from yours. you are super naive to the world dude and you really don't know shit. what's worse is that you believe so blindly in these convictions that you end up coming off like a huge pompous ass. this is why i never liked your posts before and i considered you a troll. this was the first time you asked me a genuine question and i give you a super honest and personal answer and this is how you respond.... i think im not the one who needs to learn some life lessons here dude.

i seriously think you misinterpreted the tone of my post lol. when i said "even learning about those things does seem like a pretty obvious step for someone who's unhappy" i was simply trying to aknowledge that i understand why you think the fact that i mentioned those things (meditation and whatnot) might seem insulting to your intelligence.

didn't i explicitly go out of my way to make a point that i don't know you? what "convictions" are you even talking about that i'm trying to force on you? i even aknowledged that it's possible your situation is such that continuing to abuse drugs is in fact the best option due to the fact that i don't know you.

i never once assumed to know what's best for you, i simply gave some suggestions that you can take or leave, or be offended because i had the audacity to think there was any possibility that you didn't already think of everything. honestly don't even know what part of my post caused that, i thought i was trying to be nice lol. genuinely confused, not a troll.

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 15/08/2012 03:58

MARSHALL28   United States. Aug 15 2012 11:00. Posts 1897

lol ya that was mostly it ... the funny part was that the chick was passed out in every room of my house and i really thought she was some complete random that i had never met before. she was even trying to get me into the bed with her and i was like ... "sorry i dont know you" ... god, so dumb!!!


bigredhoss ok maybe i misinterpreted.

 Last edit: 15/08/2012 15:34

2c0ntent   Egypt. Aug 15 2012 14:36. Posts 1387

whoa, girl in the last pic is amazing


thewh00sel    United States. Aug 16 2012 19:44. Posts 2734

Can you format the hands LP style like others requested? They're hard to read. To do it you just hit the spade icon next to the other text formatting options and paste the hand there. It will then give you something that looks like [hand=some#] and you put that in the post. It's not too difficult and makes HH's much more tolerable. Thanks.

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