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Depression is a bitch

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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 13 2013 20:51. Posts 9634
I've been thinking. We as a race are so pathetic in our very own primal nature. Its like evolution has passed inbetween us. There has been nothing inovative in our way of thinking in the past 3000 years. Only thing thats changed is technology and we've learned to adapt to it. And when it comes to ruining things and destroying we are the absolute champions of the universe. The devestating power of a black hole is nothing compared to a human brain. Its us that create systems that control us such as economics and its become so strong that it can now never be erased from our existance.. it can only evolve and when its threatened it would create a war so it can fuel itself. We r so fucked in the head that we somehow think living in a society where 2 billions of people are divided in groups of people who have food and swim in wealth while the 2x larger population dies in poverty is fine. The human is on top of the pyramid ... said the human. Mercantilism and cosumation have become morals. Spend more means you can impress the society more. Quality ? Please thats jsut a term used by the marketing which is another definition of something unnecessarily expensive. Dont even get me wrong im not some kind of poor kid that dreams for an iphone. I am a part of that ill society. A society which strives for happiness as it shits on everyone else ... as anyone unable to fight within, to serve his purpose is left outside of it as a dog with 3 legs. Why do I ... why do YOU deserve what you have. Yeah i bet you have learned some kind of specific skills over the timecourse of your life which you think justify the things you have, which would justify your need to run over anything that doesnt impress u in some way, which would justify your morals, your goals, unless karma and bhudism are actually real and in your next life you are a nigger in an african village that waits on UNICEF provisions.

Whats even more fucked up is that this is the only way through human history we have found to work for us to even exist. God bless Lincoln for freeing the slaves... there are no slaves at all in our days. Most of the countries live in a democratic background. If you dont live in such country, dont worry USA will bring it to you. And dont worry when the USA gets weaker someone else will do that instead of them. Its not like most people only work so they could pay their taxes,bills food, buy some clothes and new technology that feeds their happiness and self-esteem ... and thats within those 2 billions.

How do you wake up with positivism in this world? Im madly envious of such people that find the right reasons to do so. Why are you better than the one chinese kid that just died of starvation and exhaustion while you read this sentance ? How can one even whine about anything anywhere, be disappointed by troubles in work, be depressed cause of unshared love, even by a serious health problem ?

As i've kept learning more about the way our world works i've only kept hating it more. Call it extreme morals or whatever.... I just dont see a flaw in my logic which is even more disappointing

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 Last edit: 13/03/2013 20:54

Rapoza   Brasil. Mar 13 2013 22:11. Posts 1612

--- Nuked ---

Pouncer Style 4 the win 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 13 2013 22:36. Posts 5345

well you raise some good points. As i've become more and more aware about the world i've come to hate myself more, but i can redeem myself by trying to take action.

well here's my thoughts on the world today: politics and economics.

i think there is some hope for humanity in the world. It mostly lies in our ability to defend freedom on the internet. Because that's probably the future of where elites will be needing to control our thoughts.

The people who are privileged enough to be able to think critically, and have money and time need to speak their thoughts, get more involved in politics if they want a good future. I think most of LP falls under this category of people.

It's not up to Chinese people who work 14 hours a day to speak up and resist, they have to worry about getting food so they are less responsible for atrocities that have been committed around the world than we are.

right now, i wouldn't call any country in the world democratic, because corporations have bosses, that decide a lot of the decisions made in a lot of workplaces in the world. The workers in Hollywood corporations for example don't get to vote and decide on attacking internet freedom. it's a decision made by a few powerful people to make themselves richer. We also have a lack of democracy because of biases in the media, controlling our thoughts. Although this is less of an issue in non American western countries, i still think it's pretty bad.

There's also this flaw with human nature and power. If you don't care about anyone and want to become rich, then you're going to become rich-even if it means hurting others, and these people become rich more easily because of their advantage of not caring about others. Sure there are some examples of benevolent powerful people, but it's mostly true especially in the financial sector.

The last country that was democratic was probably spain for a short time in 1936, when they adopted anarcho syndaclism.

That is in my belief the most democratic a country has ever been in the last 100 years, because the workers had much more democratic control over the decision making in the workplace. And those decisions have a huge influence over how we live.

I'm also disturbed by the amount of people on the internet that support neoliberal economics. I mean giving all the power and freedom to these elites just results in wage-slavery, and absolute power, over everyone. The government, education, environment and our rights.

I'll end with a video from noam chomsky criticizing one of the most neoliberal politicians in the US

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 13/03/2013 22:48

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 13 2013 22:41. Posts 5345

  On March 13 2013 21:11 Rapoza wrote:
Once you realize our World/reality never was/is/will be a fair place, you'll learn to accept the ways of our society.

This is the exact attitude that allows elites to control us.

Why on earth would you want to 'accept' anything that will make 99% of the population, including yourself worse off?

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 13/03/2013 22:44

K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 13 2013 22:57. Posts 2202

Become the 1%



Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 13 2013 23:09. Posts 5345

  On March 13 2013 21:57 K40Cheddar wrote:
Become the 1%


this is just speculation, but i very much doubt that even the 1% profit in the system they control in terms of wealth. If humanity was not so oppressed there would be more creativity, and more wealth for everyone because of that. Kings 500 years ago couldn't even imagine to possess things like phones, and great art, which have been realized from creativity. Imagine what the world would be like today without thousands of years of oppression.

I mean just look at north korea, the most oppressed country today. Their population is completely unable to think independently, and the country has not progressed at all as a result.

The 1% do of course, profit in the short term though. And they have much more than everyone else which is what satisfies their brain i guess.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 13/03/2013 23:12

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Mar 14 2013 00:37. Posts 5230

just accept the idea that most human beings, if not all of them, are filth
that if u had been given the same life as one of those in the 1% ud probably be doing the same thing theyre doing now
the human race is prob the worst thing that happened to our planet and, ironically, to mankind as well
That being said you can be happy if you let go of this, just try to be as good as you can and enjoy this -short- life, its doable ;
not sure it even makes sense -.-

 Last edit: 14/03/2013 04:23

c4rnage   . Mar 14 2013 00:44. Posts 409

i almost don't read this blog because of title...but after reading it, i can say that i agree with you. Seriously, humanity is so fucked up, i feel like im 95% surrounded by idiots.

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 14 2013 01:05. Posts 34270

  On March 13 2013 21:41 Stroggoz wrote:
Show nested quote +

This is the exact attitude that allows elites to control us.

Why on earth would you want to 'accept' anything that will make 99% of the population, including yourself worse off?

To accept does not mean to embrace.

Accept the true nature of men and stand above it at all times.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

TheLink   Australia. Mar 14 2013 01:18. Posts 406

Are you trying to argue that most people are evil or just rich people? Either way it sounds like an incorrect conclusion based on cynicism and cliche's to me.

And why does consumerism automatically mean I'm a soulless shell? I believe that human's are rational beings capable of assigning value to what makes them happy. Even if they can't, I believe that no other person should have the power to decide for them what will make them happy.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 14 2013 01:52. Posts 9634

  On March 14 2013 00:05 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

To accept does not mean to embrace.

Accept the true nature of men and stand above it at all times.

Yeah but then you come off as an asshole to the majority of people, which is undeserved, but yeah thats the best way to threat the world, except when you get to a point of weakness then you are in a really shitty spot.

Dont think i've used the term democracy well, my bad, ive just wrote what i've wrote and clicked post. The thing about democracy is it was never about absolute equality among men, it was about laying some ground rules for everyone from ancient times, but still managing the population in 3 different classes each having way different perspectives than the other. It has only evolved since then to a more modern political system, its propaganda in the media is what makes it feel so fake i guess

Yap except I've come to realize that since i was really young and the problem with it is i dont think of myself being extremely intelligent - obv way above the avarage but that would put a large amount of people up there too. What I've come to realize that there are many smart people that have a specific thing they are really good at still live in some sort of an imaginary world althought they are successful and suspectedly smart , just because they have progressed to the top with the skill they have ( not quite sure i made myself clear here hope you get it )

I've also not been searching for any kind of fairness in the world. The main problem is people make the world even more unfair by taking the short,easier way

nah ofc consumation is something good as long as it doesnt take such extreme measure such as is it in its current state, so is mercantilism in a way
and no i think that most people are just retarded, I also do believe "evilness" does not exist. People that come off as evil to others have still acted in a way that they think is right. Actually that bible quote that goes somewhere along the line of " The fastest path to hell is through good intentions " is the only meaningful thing in the book, i've not read it thought so who am i to judge it ( obv i mean reading it for sore intellectual purposes and not in a religious kind of view ), although such actions could still not be justified

 Last edit: 14/03/2013 02:22

goose58   United States. Mar 14 2013 01:55. Posts 871

People are good and evil.

Slavery still exists today.

Diet/exercise/professional for that depression.


K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 14 2013 02:10. Posts 2202

  On March 13 2013 22:09 Stroggoz wrote:
Show nested quote +

this is just speculation, but i very much doubt that even the 1% profit in the system they control in terms of wealth. If humanity was not so oppressed there would be more creativity, and more wealth for everyone because of that. Kings 500 years ago couldn't even imagine to possess things like phones, and great art, which have been realized from creativity. Imagine what the world would be like today without thousands of years of oppression.

I mean just look at north korea, the most oppressed country today. Their population is completely unable to think independently, and the country has not progressed at all as a result.

The 1% do of course, profit in the short term though. And they have much more than everyone else which is what satisfies their brain i guess.

I was joking


Mariuslol   Norway. Mar 14 2013 03:55. Posts 4742

To much to write, don't feel like it now. Annoying, should add something. If you think to much concering thought, "negative" if you will, your body starts reacting to it, you feel more anger, frustration, hate, so forth, not that cool. The words you chose to use to describe your feelings, are also made by us, that's pretty amazing, and im sure you want to express yourself a million times better, to really make us understand and feel what you feel. We're capable of that as well, and that's pretty amazing, and that's just one of the billion things that ain't all that pathetic.

Can relate deeply, have a super long weird, interessting version of bdd, and have had it for years. So I'm never close to neutral, where most people live their lives, im either euphoric or devestated. I feel it's fascinating when im neutral, it feels like a dream when im euphoric, and it feels as if it's always been like hell when im on a low. Where a to long sentences isn't possible, no mirrors, no light, no comprehension, no people, just pain and suffering.
Then it fades, and you are free to dream again, feel again and everything's amazing for a little while lol.


spets1   Australia. Mar 14 2013 04:08. Posts 2179

All your feelings are unjustified.

If you think like this then you should never kill a fly, mosquito or any life form. You should feel bad every time you step on an ant.

You should not be allowed to do anything at all.

Anything you do brings destruction to some living organism.

If you think like this of course you gonna be depressed.

What you gotta do is feel lucky that you are here at this time and able to enjoy what life has brought to you because for millions of years you were dust. Without soul, without thoughts, without pleasures, without hurt.

Girls like these exist
+ Show Spoiler +

to make it worthwhile.


Achoo   Canada. Mar 14 2013 04:22. Posts 1454

Accept it and define your own morals, and then more importantly stand by them. As simple as that, you probably won't change the world but you can at least bring some happiness in it as long as you keep a little empathy for the human race and believe in its potential like I do.

What makes us unique is the ambivalence of our nature: we are capable of the worst but also the best, you must be aware of the first and fight it the harder you can but you also should believe in the latter and open your mind to the beauties of the world (art, cultures, love, sharing, friendship, etc ...).

If you don't you'll probably lose all faith in humanity and become a sad, depressed, mean, undeveloped, dry human being. Be hard on the outside and soft inside for people who are in need and weaker, try to reform your society, be active and don't say you can't do anything that's when they win. I may sound like a hippie but I don't care what people think, as long as I live my life fully without stomping on the weak, we are lucky to live in said democratic country in which you can almost freely express yourself, the only shame would be not to use this right when the situation calls for it.

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Mar 14 2013 04:54. Posts 8623

I hate Chomsky.

Dude says that corporation can't live without a nanny state (true for the corrupt ones) and then he criticises libertarians for wanting to get rid of the nanny state because it'll give the corporations to much powers. WTF?

Although he brings up the usual argument against libertarianism. That's cool. Well, this libertarian is giving money to schools in Africa, I've given money to people in need and I try my damned best to help people out when they need it. It's of my own free will and it feels good. I just don't feel I have the right to use force to make other people do the same.

I'm trying to live a good, moral life and support my family, help out my friends and give money to stuff I think is important. I'm a member of a small political party that wants out of the European Union and let anyone who wants to come to Sweden come to Sweden and when here work and take care of him- or herself. I want to get rid of the nanny state, I'd like people to be allowed to take responsibility for them selves, do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt anyone else and just in general go to heaven, hell or any other place they for some reason believes in in their own way.

I agree with Achoo regarding your own moral.

Loco   Canada. Mar 14 2013 06:38. Posts 20975

“Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man.” - Nietzsche

"That human life must be some kind of mistake
is sufficiently proved by the simple observation
that man is a compound of needs which are hard to satisfy;
- that their satisfaction achieves nothing
but a painless condition
in which he is only given over to boredom . . ."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

I go through life without faith or hope. I have long learned that it is a deceiving tool, and while deceiving oneself tends to lead to happiness, it doesn't last, and reality just hits harder after. One should keep his expectations at the lowest, as the wise Greek philosophers advised. Life is hell, even for the privileged; we vastly overestimate our capacity for happiness. You say we have adapted to technology? Nah. Our brain and its size is still almost 100% the same as it was some 150,000 years ago, but the world changed dramatically. We can't cope with the world as it is, plasticity only helps so much. We have to rely on our defense mechanisms just so that we don't kill ourselves on the spot. We can't live in the present moment, we are slaves to time-consciousness, which is to say we are condemned to torment by our very self-reflective nature. The wise men have always known that life is suffering and came up with their own ways to minimize it. Now more than ever we need to listen to their insights on human living. It's just a matter of figuring out for yourself how far you are willing to follow them. My view on life can be summed up as such: Life is hell. Try to find a room furthest from the flames.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 14/03/2013 07:11

Loco   Canada. Mar 14 2013 06:46. Posts 20975

I just remembered this talk, move to around 6 mins:

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 14 2013 07:19. Posts 5345

  On March 14 2013 03:54 DustySwedeDude wrote:
I hate Chomsky.

Dude says that corporation can't live without a nanny state (true for the corrupt ones) and then he criticises libertarians for wanting to get rid of the nanny state because it'll give the corporations to much powers. WTF?

Although he brings up the usual argument against libertarianism. That's cool. Well, this libertarian is giving money to schools in Africa, I've given money to people in need and I try my damned best to help people out when they need it. It's of my own free will and it feels good. I just don't feel I have the right to use force to make other people do the same.

I'm trying to live a good, moral life and support my family, help out my friends and give money to stuff I think is important. I'm a member of a small political party that wants out of the European Union and let anyone who wants to come to Sweden come to Sweden and when here work and take care of him- or herself. I want to get rid of the nanny state, I'd like people to be allowed to take responsibility for them selves, do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt anyone else and just in general go to heaven, hell or any other place they for some reason believes in in their own way.

I agree with Achoo regarding your own moral.

Doesn't the fact that all the corrupt corporations want libertarian values so they can exploit everyone, worry you? I mean it basically means they can do whatever they want, and in the past they've set up sweat shops around the world, controlled public opinion to justify war and help commit genocide in east timor. it's the right, for the rich to do anything they want to the rest of the population. I don't see how you can have corporations the way they are run atm without government, it will just result in absolute corporate tyranny.

As far as Chomsky goes, his view of no government is fine as long as power in corporations is decentralized and made democratic. I am also for less govt but not until corporations and workplaces become democratic, instead of just the will of 1 person or a few at the very top.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 


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