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Sacr3D   Canada. Jun 27 2013 20:32. Posts 514

Don't do it OP. 1k a month is shit.

k4ir0s   Canada. Jun 27 2013 20:39. Posts 3478

  On June 27 2013 19:26 bigredhoss wrote:
Show nested quote +


oops lol. never saw you post it. found it on reddit

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

k4ir0s   Canada. Jun 27 2013 20:40. Posts 3478

  On June 27 2013 19:32 Sacr3D wrote:
Don't do it OP. 1k a month is shit.

agreed. wait until you can make 1.5k-2k

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

Smuft   Canada. Jun 28 2013 08:09. Posts 633

fuck these guys - tons of respect for any man who can live off of 1k a month. Pretty impressed you did that anywhere in the UK, are you supplementing that 1k poker income with anything else or is your monthly budget literally capped at 1k?

devon06atX   Canada. Jun 28 2013 11:24. Posts 5459

NY seems like a silly place to base your metrics off of to me, place is expensive as hell from what I've been told

Should have picked somewhere 'average'

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 28 2013 13:57. Posts 15163

  On June 28 2013 07:09 Smuft wrote:
fuck these guys - tons of respect for any man who can live off of 1k a month. Pretty impressed you did that anywhere in the UK, are you supplementing that 1k poker income with anything else or is your monthly budget literally capped at 1k?

well I was working until recently, just took a break as there wasnt enough jobs but in the 2 months I got on with less than $1k each month :D
All I spent money on was rent and food, just went for excercise outside.

To the guys saying "don't do it", I am doing it regardless. I stayed in the UK because of my ex in the first place anyway, not rly many friends here and no ties

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 28 2013 14:01. Posts 15163

Also an idea would be to give poker another shot, moving in with my dad and not having to cash out 100% winnings :O

93% Sure!  

uiCk   Canada. Jun 28 2013 14:25. Posts 3521

stay with your dad till you find your optimal destination + save money to give you more options.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 28 2013 14:28. Posts 15163

Yeah seems to be the best option, In Czech Republic I can also got the best career prospects. I speak English/Czech have Czech High school, UK HND and Bachelor's Degree and over 2 years of experience.

So stay with my Dad, pay him some rent while building BR/looking for jobs and either get a sick good job or build BR to levels where I can make more playing poker.

93% Sure!  

RiKD    United States. Jun 29 2013 20:24. Posts 8887

You are asking for advice so I will give my 2c. * Disclaimer * I am going to call it as I see it. You might not agree with my eyesight but this is what I see:

-Moving in with parents to build bankroll + look for jobs is a terrible option. You should completely take it off the table or have it as a shameful plan Z. Finding some other buddies to live with while treating self improvement + job hunt as an 80 hr/week job is never a bad plan. I am also not against going to bali or someplace sweet but it has to be purposeful or else you'll be worse off than when you leave.

-People saying that expenses will go up as a poker player + expat are 110% correct. The fact that you can hole up on less than $1k for a couple of months in a place you are already situated in is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the same situation as moving somewhere and playing poker professionally.

*Playing poker professionally can be emotionally draining, boring, et al. If you currently are not playing 10+ hours a day you certainly won't be when you move to x. Basically, professional poker players need more fun distractions. More fun distractions cost more money.
*If you have never done it before or have not actually taken some time to consider it: YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH MORE MONEY MOVING TO A NEW PLACE AND INTEGRATING INTO A NEW ENVIRONMENT WILL COST. I am just pulling this number out of my ass in the current moment but I would guess you have to at least double or triple (and likely multiply more) you're current expenses if you want to have any sort of quality of life.


Bite the bullet. Figure out a way to not scale down to living with parents by any (ethical) means necessary. Find any job(s) possible that offer the best selection of learning experience + money even if it is just volunteering, freelance whatever, etc.

xicotaSLB   Portugal. Jun 30 2013 22:45. Posts 1128

how old are you btw?

BlackRain79   Thailand. Jul 04 2013 07:54. Posts 51

If you have any questions about Thailand send me a pm. Huge poker community here. I primarily live in the north, Chiang Mai.

www.blackrain79.comLast edit: 04/07/2013 08:17


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