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Diet Soda - Page 2

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Daut    United States. Jul 16 2013 12:23. Posts 8955

  On July 15 2013 10:43 TalentedTom wrote:
After drinking freshly squeezed juice, soda becomes very undesirable.

FYI, juices high in sugar such as orange raise albumin levels, which binds to testosterone and renders it inert. It may also raise cholesterol, LDL and iron levels.

Drink water or tea. Fresh juice is ok, but make sure its low in sugar. Juicing something along the lines of beet+carrot+lemon+ginger+spinach is a good combination that has lots of nutrients without a ton of sugar and still tastes pretty good (can throw a few apples in as well but not too many).

I basically only drink lactose free milk (with protein shakes) and water

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jul 16 2013 13:14. Posts 10896

  On July 16 2013 11:23 Daut wrote:
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FYI, juices high in sugar such as orange raise albumin levels, which binds to testosterone and renders it inert. It may also raise cholesterol, LDL and iron levels.

Drink water or tea. Fresh juice is ok, but make sure its low in sugar. Juicing something along the lines of beet+carrot+lemon+ginger+spinach is a good combination that has lots of nutrients without a ton of sugar and still tastes pretty good (can throw a few apples in as well but not too many).

I basically only drink lactose free milk (with protein shakes) and water

you need sugar in your body
if you think drinking fresh orange juice isnt good can i know where you get your sugar from?

Daut    United States. Jul 16 2013 14:07. Posts 8955

  On July 16 2013 12:14 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
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you need sugar in your body
if you think drinking fresh orange juice isnt good can i know where you get your sugar from?

i eat a pretty consistent diet so ill just run through what i eat daily

breakfast: 16 oz lactose free milk, few ounces of strawberry/blueberry/blackberry/raspberry, 1 banana, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 tblsp coconut butter (, half teaspoon maca, 1 tablespoon flaxseed

snack: pistachios or one of these:

2nd meal: brown rice or quinoa salmon and tuna sushi and nigiri from whole foods

3rd+4th meals: i get 2 meals from whole foods, generally chicken+2 sides, salmon+2 sides or london broil+2 sides. sides are green beans almondine, beets+butternut squash, wasabi asparagus, mixed cous cous, berry spinach, smoked pasta

then another protein shake (this one with creatine) after workout.

all in all id guess i probably consume roughly 200g protein, 130g fat, 400g carb per day or roughly 3500 calories a day. i get plenty of carbs, i just choose not to drink anything but water or my shakes. truth be told i probably eat too many carbs even

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 16/07/2013 14:17

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jul 16 2013 14:21. Posts 10896

ok, and what is a standard day for you?
what do you do?(activities etc)

Daut    United States. Jul 16 2013 14:32. Posts 8955

varies week to week.

some weeks ill go to BJJ 5 times, others 0. actually havent gone since april cause i hurt my knee but will start going again soon, probably today.

some weeks ill golf 2-3 times, others 0. on average id guess i golf .5 times per week

sometimes play tennis, go rock climbing, go hiking, biking, depends on where i am in the world. pretty streaky with it, played tennis once last week, when i go visit my parents in NJ next month ill probably bike every day.

but on the days i dont do any of those activities i do a 30-40 minute lift (chest/triceps day 1, back/biceps day 2, shoulders legs day 3) and 10-20 minutes of cardio, generally 3.3 mph at 10 degree incline on treadmill.

probably do something physically active about 95% of days

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jul 16 2013 15:10. Posts 10896

ok, at least you are active
i have not read much but im pretty sure eating too much protein is ALOT ALOT ALOT worse for your body than drinking orange juice xd
anyway im pretty sure you already read about proteins? what does it say? if you consume too much? i know its bad for your kidney tho

Smuft   Canada. Jul 16 2013 19:08. Posts 633

  On July 16 2013 13:07 Daut wrote:
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i eat a pretty consistent diet so ill just run through what i eat daily

breakfast: 16 oz lactose free milk, few ounces of strawberry/blueberry/blackberry/raspberry, 1 banana, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 tblsp coconut butter (, half teaspoon maca, 1 tablespoon flaxseed

snack: pistachios or one of these:

2nd meal: brown rice or quinoa salmon and tuna sushi and nigiri from whole foods

3rd+4th meals: i get 2 meals from whole foods, generally chicken+2 sides, salmon+2 sides or london broil+2 sides. sides are green beans almondine, beets+butternut squash, wasabi asparagus, mixed cous cous, berry spinach, smoked pasta

then another protein shake (this one with creatine) after workout.

all in all id guess i probably consume roughly 200g protein, 130g fat, 400g carb per day or roughly 3500 calories a day. i get plenty of carbs, i just choose not to drink anything but water or my shakes. truth be told i probably eat too many carbs even

Pretty sick diet / exercise, what's your body fat %? how often do you drink alcohol? (I don't mean a beer with dinner)

How do you recommend low sugar drinks then have a morning smoothie with 50g + sugar?

mnj   United States. Jul 16 2013 19:31. Posts 3848


There is an intern who is a collegiate athlete in lacrosse who only eats meat + veggies + fruit. he says he gets all his carbs from fruit and that 99% of the ppl are eating too much carbs.

Daut    United States. Jul 16 2013 20:33. Posts 8955

  On July 16 2013 18:08 Smuft wrote:
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Pretty sick diet / exercise, what's your body fat %? how often do you drink alcohol? (I don't mean a beer with dinner)

How do you recommend low sugar drinks then have a morning smoothie with 50g + sugar?

not sure about body fat %, have never had it checked professionally. im 6'0 and fluctuate between 177 and 183 these days.
drink alcohol pretty infrequently. generally dont drink for 2-3 weeks then go out 2 nights in a week type deal. id guess 2-3 times a month average. rarely even have a beer with dinner though.

most of the sugars in my protein shake are from berries and a banana. i need banana for the potassium, and berries i think are the best fruits to eat for nutrition purposes. at whole foods they have this nutrition density index in foods and i believe the top fruits in order are cranberry, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, grapefruit, guava. orange has vitamin C but so do other things so i dont think they are really necessary in the diet, whereas the berries have lots of phytochemicals, anti oxidating stuff and are higher in fiber. i am basically drinking a banana, berries and milk twice a day. banana is a pretty high sugar fruit (14g per) and i suppose i could replace it with avocado, but 2 bananas a day is not a lot. whereas you have to juice 4-5 oranges for one glass. and milk wise i use almond milk or rice milk quite a bit which are really low in sugar, coconut butter, whey protein, flaxseed, maca all have little to no sugar.

all in all id guess my shake has about 30g of sugar in it, but i dont really mind the sugars i get from berries anyway. maybe will try it with an avocado one of these days, but i have a feeling that may ruin it lol

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

Daut    United States. Jul 16 2013 20:38. Posts 8955

  On July 16 2013 14:10 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
ok, at least you are active
i have not read much but im pretty sure eating too much protein is ALOT ALOT ALOT worse for your body than drinking orange juice xd
anyway im pretty sure you already read about proteins? what does it say? if you consume too much? i know its bad for your kidney tho

when you intake a lot of protein you have to drink a lot of water. otherwise its probably going to be hard on the kidneys. but most of the healthier people i know have a much lower intake of carbs and higher proteins. i havent seen too many convincing studies to show too much protein is bad for you though. maybe it is, maybe it isnt. i dont think im near too much though given my total calories per day and my activity level

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 16/07/2013 20:39

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 21:47. Posts 5428

A big portion of those sugars from smoothies made with blackberries/blueberries/raspberries has a 1:1 or avg between sugar:fiber. So, it is not all that relevant how much sugar is in the shake when it is being built up with all the fiber

As for the banana, the the ratio is 1:3 fiber:sugar, however, the banana has that potassium you want and if you eat the banana AFTER you drink your shake it will help with stool quality for that meal

In addition, the flax seeds are another good mix of fiber, however, they must be ground up properly otherwise they flax seed will pass through the body with zero nutrient absorption. If you don't have a blender then Chia seeds are a substitute as they absorb without needing to be ground.

I know there is maca in that shake, but I also like to see more vegetables in the morning shake to balance out the nutrient profile. Using frozen vegetables in the morning shake can be nice for thickening, as well, if you use frozen broccoli, you won't get the gas which is common fresh broccoli.

My morning shake is similar, except I put in some frozen broccoli, carrots. And then a ground mixture of various organic vegetables/fruits/roots. As well, I add Matcha, which is whole green tea. There are more phytochemicals per gram of Matcha than any per gram berry source.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 21:59. Posts 5428

TBH the 2nd protein shake sounds redundant if you are already eating 1 shake + 3 meals with meats. The creatine could be eaten at any time of the day.

I am no Dr, but my belief right now is inflammation reduction after workouts and less worry about protein as you already are hitting a high number. So if you really want more protein, a vegan shake based on peas will help with inflammation reduction. Another thing is potassium re-absorption, so even something like V8 low sodium, high potassium is a good start. It also has watercress, which is another potential inflammation reducer. If you want to stick with none processed, then eating vegan shake blended with Watercress + banana would work.

Lastly, mushrooms. They are another potential inflammation reducer, so finding them in your post workout diet is at least how I think nowadays. Or just mushrooms at some point in your diet as they should help with overall intestinal inflammation from just eating/doing whatever

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 22:03. Posts 5428

I skipped over the fats but now maybe someone will wonder about them and having the coconut / pistachios/walnuts/almonds are important for nutrient absorption. Without fats the food nutrients will just pass through the intestines.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

Daut    United States. Jul 16 2013 22:23. Posts 8955

  On July 16 2013 20:59 Highcard wrote:
TBH the 2nd protein shake sounds redundant if you are already eating 1 shake + 3 meals with meats. The creatine could be eaten at any time of the day.

I am no Dr, but my belief right now is inflammation reduction after workouts and less worry about protein as you already are hitting a high number. So if you really want more protein, a vegan shake based on peas will help with inflammation reduction. Another thing is potassium re-absorption, so even something like V8 low sodium, high potassium is a good start. It also has watercress, which is another potential inflammation reducer. If you want to stick with none processed, then eating vegan shake blended with Watercress + banana would work.

Lastly, mushrooms. They are another potential inflammation reducer, so finding them in your post workout diet is at least how I think nowadays. Or just mushrooms at some point in your diet as they should help with overall intestinal inflammation from just eating/doing whatever

heres what i use for flaxseed:

i use a blender so even though its coarsely instead of finely grounded in the bag it should be ground up pretty fine in the shake. i have chia seeds as well, but they are a bit annoying and get stuck in your teeth so i use them less frequently. also occasionally throw some goji berries in.

but the real secret ingredient is the coconut butter. really a must try in a protein shake, lots of good fats, and its not great to eat standalone but in the shake it really adds to the flavor.

ill try adding some frozen broccoli in sometime this week.

yea 2nd shake is probably a bit overdo, but i saw some breakdowns of what fighters eat and they seemed to be taking in a 2nd or even 3rd protein supplement (usually 2 shakes and a large protein bar). i guess i dont put in quite as many hours at the gym as them though. tbh its not every day i have 2 shakes + 3 meals + snacks. some days its 3 meals + 1 shake + snack, some days its 2 meals + 2 shakes+snacks. but some of those meals end up being larger so i still think it works out to at least 3k calories a day. so far today ive only had 1 meal and 1 shake. ill probably have a meal and a shake after my workout in an hour or two.

going to experiment on this next shake, will try avocado instead of banana and unsweetened rice milk instead of almond milk for lower sugar. tomorrow ill pick up some frozen broccoli and throw it in my afternoon shake.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 16/07/2013 22:24

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 22:26. Posts 5428

I personally have been looking more towards plant based with chicken/eggs/beans/lentils/quinoa/peas/milk/low calcium plain greek yogurt/sweet potato/various nuts/ berries(rasp/black/blue)/bananas/leafy greens(broccoli/spinach/kale)/mushrooms and reducing my overall intake of red meats.

Sort of a hybrid veggie diet as I am working towards a more vegan gut flora but with the benefits of the testosterone components (eggs) and protein of chicken and the rare red meat(preferable less than once a week)(reasoning is carnitine centric)

I also use whey isolate and sometimes steal cut oats

I have created a sodium: potassium ratio of x:y, where y > x

Also, there is almost zero bread/gluten found in my diet.

So far, so good.

My beliefs are:

proper gut flora
low sodium
high potassium
quality fats
inflammation reduction
sugars from whole foods with balanced fiber
high fiber intake
quality proteins
resistant starches
proper water hydration
avoid additives/colourings/preservatives
supplements: vitamin d, zinc, creatine

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the timeLast edit: 16/07/2013 22:56

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 22:41. Posts 5428

  On July 16 2013 21:23 Daut wrote:
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heres what i use for flaxseed:

i use a blender so even though its coarsely instead of finely grounded in the bag it should be ground up pretty fine in the shake. i have chia seeds as well, but they are a bit annoying and get stuck in your teeth so i use them less frequently. also occasionally throw some goji berries in.

but the real secret ingredient is the coconut butter. really a must try in a protein shake, lots of good fats, and its not great to eat standalone but in the shake it really adds to the flavor.

ill try adding some frozen broccoli in sometime this week.

yea 2nd shake is probably a bit overdo, but i saw some breakdowns of what fighters eat and they seemed to be taking in a 2nd or even 3rd protein supplement (usually 2 shakes and a large protein bar). i guess i dont put in quite as many hours at the gym as them though. tbh its not every day i have 2 shakes + 3 meals + snacks. some days its 3 meals + 1 shake + snack, some days its 2 meals + 2 shakes+snacks. but some of those meals end up being larger so i still think it works out to at least 3k calories a day. so far today ive only had 1 meal and 1 shake. ill probably have a meal and a shake after my workout in an hour or two.

going to experiment on this next shake, will try avocado instead of banana and unsweetened rice milk instead of almond milk for lower sugar. tomorrow ill pick up some frozen broccoli and throw it in my afternoon shake.

that sounds pretty good, it's nice to talk to someone else as interested in meal construction

I am in the boat that protein hits a threshold in the body for the avg person or even avg active none pro athlete which is met pretty easily from a regular diet. Sort of similar to sodium intake. I also like the coconut fats and almond milk tastes delicious. I know I don't drink rice milk and I can't remember if I believed to stay away from rice milk or if it was just all soy products.

Those avocados will be a great potassium substitution and has a way higher conc. per gram It also should have the same stool effects as the banana. One thing I like most about bananas is their near perfect shelf life/portability. Also, eating more green bananas will provide resistant starches. Same goes for all those quinoa/cous cous/brown rice mixture if you eat them cold.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 22:46. Posts 5428

My favorite thing to make up a big batch and keep a container in the fridge is:

black beans
raw diced onions (bathed for 10mins in ice water to cut the after taste from lingering)
diced red peppers

When it comes to serving I add:

Olive oil
fresh cracked pepper
diced boiled egg

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

Highcard   Canada. Jul 16 2013 22:52. Posts 5428

as for the coarsely ground flax, I have no idea. I haven't taken enough time to look into flax to know if it really needs to be powdered or not. I have been meaning too as I use whole flax and blend it myself. The only reason why I was lazy to check is I know powdered flax can go rancid easily so i just buy whole flax

I use

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the timeLast edit: 16/07/2013 22:54

Daut    United States. Jul 17 2013 01:17. Posts 8955

ok just tried this: 16 oz unsweetened rice milk, 1 half avocado, few ounces of straw/blue/rasp/blackberries, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 teaspoon creatine monohydrate, 3 teaspoon goji berries, 2 teaspoon flaxseed, 2 teaspoon coconut butter

very strange, but the shake ended up being probably about 6-8 fluid ounces less than my other ones. maybe i included significantly less avocado than i do banana or maybe there was somehow less berries than usual, but it feels like the disparity is due to the rice milk. it tastes ok, but not as good. the avocado mixed in with milk and berries seems a little out of place. going back to banana for sure.

i think banana+broccoli is probably going to work out better than just avocado or avocado+broccoli.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

Smuft   Canada. Jul 17 2013 21:02. Posts 633

You guys have any trouble blending any of these mixes and use a juicer instead?

Especially that one Daut said up top "beet+carrot+lemon+ginger+spinach". I usually just blend basic berry + banana mixes but wanna try some of the vegetable heavy mixes you guys have been talking about; should I just throw this stuff in the blender and experiment or do I need a juicer?


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